681 davranış bilimi uzmanından İngiliz hükümetine acil çağrı: Salgınla mücadele stratejisini gözden geçir
Virüse karşı “kontrollü salgın” stratejisi uygulayan Johnson hükümetine tepkilerin arttığı İngiltere’de, 681 davranış bilimci hükümete açık mektup yazdı. Salgınla mücadele stratejisinin eleştirildiği mektupta, hükümetin salgınının ciddiyetini ve aciliyetini topluma anlatmadığına vurgu yapıldı
Ali Yağız Şen
İngiltere’de 681 davranış bilim uzmanı hükümete açık mektup yazarak, salgınla savaşma konusundaki stratejilerini eleştirdi ve hükümeti acilen kararlarını gözden geçirmeye davet etti. Mektupta, İngiliz hükümetinin, COVID-19 salgınının ciddiyetini ve aciliyetini topluma anlatmadığına vurgu yapıldı. Mektupta Boris Johnson hükümetinin “sürü bağışıklığı” stratejisinin temelindeki 'davranış bitkinliği' kavramını eleştiren uzmanlara göre ‘davranış bitkinliği’nin oluşacağına dair elde yeterli veri yok ve bu strateji çok tehlikeli.
Birleşik Krallık Hükümeti’ne COVID-19’a dair Açık Mektup” başlıklı mektup şöyle;
"Bu mektubu, davranış bilimciler olarak, Britanya’nın sosyal mesafe koymayı da içeren önlemleri alma konusunda gösterdiği gecikmeyle ilgili duyduğumuz endişeyi ifade etmek maksadıyla yazıyoruz. İtalya’da patlak veren felakette çok açık bir şekilde görülebildiği gibi, COVID-19’un yayılımını geciktirme noktasında çok hassas ve kritik bir zaman aralığı var. Hükümetin şu anki yaklaşımı ‘davranış bitkinliği’ fikrine vurgu yapıyor. Bu fikir özetle şu: eğer insanların birbiriyle temasına getirilecek yasaklar ve önlemler eğer çok erkenden getirilirse, bu yasaklar ve önlemlerin bize getirisi tam da bunlara en çok ihtiyaç olan anda engellenmiş olacak. Bunun sebebi ise şu: insanlar kendilerine getirilen kısıtlamalardan, virüsün yayılım şekli düşünüldüğünde tam da bu kısıtlamalara en çok ihtiyaç olan noktada artık bıkmış olacak ve normal hayatlarına dönecekler. Bu, kısmen bu kısıtlamaların etkisinin yayılımı yavaşlatmak ve bu sayede insanların gözle gördüğü ve kendilerince algıladığı riski azaltmak olmasından.
Her ne kadar, davranış bilimini rehber alan, kanıt ve verilere dayalı bir politika anlayışınının tam destekçisi olsak da, bizler bu ‘davranış bitkinliği’ meselesiyle ilgili ve buradaki öngörünün mevcut istisnai durumda geçerli olup olmadığına dair yeterli bilgiye sahip olduğumuza ikna olmuş değiliz. Eğer Birleşik Krallık bu fikri baz alan ve çok yüksek risk içeren böyle bir kamu sağlığı stratejisini benimseyecekse, bu konuda kanıt ve veri bulmamız şarttır. Öyle ki, şu an tüm halktan istenen el yıkama alışkanlığı gibi en elzem davranış değişiklikleri bile, muhtemelen, ancak durumun aciliyeti ve ciddiyetinin toplumca kavranabildiği ölçüde yaygınlaşıp insanlar tarafından benimsenebilecektir. Mümkün olduğu kadar uzun bir süre “hiçbir şey yokmuş gibi normal hayata devam etmek”, durumun aciliyetinin ve ciddiyetinin anlaşılmasına zarar vermektedir.
Dahası, bu “davranış bitkinliği” ile ilgili endişeler hükümeti, hastalığın yayılımını durdurmanın imkansız olduğuna inandırmış gibi gözüküyor. Aynı şekilde, öyle görünüyor ki, hükümet, tek çarenin, sürü bağışıklığı kazanılana kadar, hastalığın nüfusun büyük kısmına yayılımını mümkün olduğunca yavaşlatmak olduğuna inanıyor. Ama davranışlarımızda büyük değişiklikler yapmak bu stratejiden çok daha etkili olabilir; ve eğer başarılı olursa, çok sayıda hayat bu sayede kurtulabilir. Çin ve Güney Kore’nin yaşadıkları, bu ihtimalin en azından denenmesi için elimizde yeterli veri olduğunu gösteriyor.
Eğer “davranış bitkinliği” gerçekten hükümetin gözle görülür, net müdahalelere gitmemesinde önemli bir etken ise, biz hükümeti derhal bu kararı destekleyecek yeterli ve ikna edici kanıt göstermeye çağırıyoruz. Eğer böyle bir kanıt yoksa, hemen bu kararı yeniden değerlendirmeleri gerekiyor."
Sürü bağışıklığı “herd immunity” (veya ‘toplum bağışıklaması’) bir toplumun büyük bir kısmının bir hastalığa bağışıklığı olduğu durumlarda görülen, bulaşıcı hastalıklardan dolaylı bir korunma şeklidir. Arkasındaki fikir şudur: toplumda hastalığa bağışıklığı olanlar ne kadar fazlaysa, bağışıklığı olmayanlara bu hastalığın bulaşma ihtimali o kadar düşer. Bulaşıcı hastalıklara savaşmada bunun bir yöntem olarak kullanılması tarihte çoğunlukla küçük ölçekli ve sınırları coğrafi olarak belirlenmiş salgınlarda ve her zaman halihazırda bu hastalığın bir aşısı bulunmuşsa kullanılmıştır.
Geçtiğimiz bir haftada, Birleşik Krallık ve Hollanda sürü bağışıklığını Covid-19 salgınıyla savaşmada bir yöntem olarak kullanmayı tartışmış ve düşünmüştür. Birleşik Krallık, 16 Mart 2020’de başbakan Boris Johnson’ın basın açıklamasından anlaşılabileceği gibi, her ne kadar henüz net değilse de, bu fikirden vazgeçmiş gibi görünüyor. Hollanda’da ise bu halen gündem ve şu an aktif strateji bu gibi görünüyor.
İmza atanlar:
Prof. Ulrike Hahn | Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London | 13/03/2020 | |
Prof. Nick Chater | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 13/03/2020 | |
Prof. Dave Lagnado | Experimental Psychology, UCL | 13/03/2020 | |
Dr. Magda Osman | Experimental Psychology, Queen Mary, University of London | 13/03/2020 | |
Prof Stephan Lewandowsky | School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol | 14/03/2020 | |
Dr Redzo Mujcic | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 | |
Dr. Miroslav Sirota | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 | |
Prof Daniel Read | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 | |
Venkat Raj Ellendula | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 | |
10 | Dr. Despoina Alempaki | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
11 | Prof. Neil Stewart | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
12 | Dr Rob Lachlan | Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway University of London | 14/03/2020 |
13 | Prof. Chengwei Liu | ESMT Berlin and Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
14 | Prof Arnold Wilkins | University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
15 | Dr Vanessa Loaiza | University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
16 | Prof Nattavudh Powdthavee | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
17 | An Te | PhD student, Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham | 14/03/2020 |
18 | Dr. Stefano Li Pira | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
19 | Prof. Peter Ayton | Department of Psychology, City, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
20 | Prof Paul Hibbard | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
21 | Prof. Martin Neil | Queen Mary, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
22 | Prof. Joseph Devlin | Experimental Psychology, UCL | 14/03/2020 |
23 | Dr Rael Dawtry | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
24 | Dr. Naomi Muggleton | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
25 | Dr. Robert Keers | Queen Mary, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
26 | Dr. Veronica Lamarche | University of Essex, Department of Psychology | 14/03/2020 |
27 | Dr. Yasmina Okan | Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds | 14/03/2020 |
28 | Dr. Toby Pilditch | University of Oxford | 14/03/2020 |
29 | Dr. Matteo Lisi | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
30 | Dr Silvia Rigato | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
31 | Dr Barbora Siposova | Department of Psychology, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
32 | Elettra Latini | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
33 | Dr Elisabetta Versace | Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
34 | Dr Tigran Melkonyan | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
35 | Prof. David Clayton | Biological & Experimental Psychology, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
36 | Prof. Kenneth Harris | Institute of Neurology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
37 | Dr Helge Gillmeister | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
38 | Prof Samuel Solomon | Experimental Psychology, UCL | 14/03/2020 |
39 | Dr Maarten Speekenbrink | Experimental Psychology, UCL | 14/03/2020 |
40 | Dr Carina de Klerk | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
41 | Dr Sinead Rocha | Centre for Neuroscience in Education, University of Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
42 | Dr Janelle Jones | Biological and Experimental Psychology, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
43 | Matthew Chennells | PhD in philosophy and psychology, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
44 | Dr Alicia Melis | Experimental Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
45 | Dr. Shankha Basu | Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds | 14/03/2020 |
46 | Dr. Elia Valentini | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
47 | Prof. Patrick Healey | School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
48 | Prof. Andreas Schaefer | Neuroscience, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
49 | Prof. Edward Cartwright | Department of Economics and Marketing, De Montfort University | 14/03/2020 |
50 | Dr Isabelle Mareschal | Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
51 | Dr. Marc Busche | UK DRI at UCL | 14/03/2020 |
52 | Dr Amalia Papanikolaou | Experimental Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
53 | Song Yuan | Department of Economics, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
54 | Dr. Stefanie Keupp | Experimental Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
55 | Dr. M.Andrea Pisauro | Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford | 14/03/2020 |
56 | Prof John Maule | Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds | 14/03/2020 |
57 | Dr. Rebecca Koomen | The Behaviouralist & University of Dundee | 14/03/2020 |
58 | Dr Ronny Genieser | WMG, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
59 | Dr Alice Mason | Dep of Psychology, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
60 | Dr Caroline Di Bernardi Luft | Biological and Experimental Psychology, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
61 | Jorge A Menendez | UCL | 14/03/2020 |
62 | Dr. Federico Rossi | Neuroscience, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
63 | Dr Rachel Bennetts | Psychology, Brunel University London | 14/03/2020 |
64 | Prof James A. R. Marshall | Computer Science, University of Sheffield | 14/03/2020 |
65 | Prof Teppo Felin | Saïd Business School, University of Oxford | 14/03/2020 |
66 | Dr. Jianqiao Zhu | Department of Psychology, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
67 | Dr. Giulio Nardella | Loughborough School of Business and Economics | 14/03/2020 |
68 | Professor Teresa McCormack | School of Psychology, Queen's University Belfast | 14/03/2020 |
69 | Dr. Micah Allen | Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Clinical Medicine, Neuroscience | 14/03/2020 |
70 | Professor Alan Pearman | Centre for Decision Research, University of Leeds | 14/03/2020 |
71 | Dr. Margherita Malanchini | Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
72 | Prof. Robbie Sutton | Psychology, University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
73 | Dr Dionysius Ang | Univerity of Leeds, Leeds University Business School, Marketing Division | 14/03/2020 |
74 | Dr. Sebastiano Massaro | Surrey Business School, University of Surrey & School of Engineering, Warwick University | 14/03/2020 |
75 | Prof Rick Hanley | Dept of Psychology, University Of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
76 | Song Dai | warwick business school, University of warwick | 14/03/2020 |
77 | Dr Marta Ponari | University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
78 | Dr. Geoff G. Cole | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
79 | Dr Megan Klabunde | University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
80 | Prof Ana Guinote | University College London, Experimental Psychology | 14/03/2020 |
81 | Dr Afroditi Pina | Psychology, University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
82 | Dr Maximilian Ger | Univerity of Leeds, Leeds University Business School, Marketing Division | 14/03/2020 |
83 | Dr Tessa Dekker | Dept. of Experimental Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
84 | Dr Caoilte Ó Ciardha | University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
85 | Prof Nichola Raihani | Dept. of Experimental Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
86 | Dr Yeyi Liu | Leeds University Business School, Univerisity of Leeds | 14/03/2020 |
87 | Alessandro Castagnetti | Economics, Warwick University | 14/03/2020 |
88 | Dr George Farmer | Division of Neuroscience & Experimental Psychology, University of Manchester | 14/03/2020 |
89 | Professor Ivo Vlaev | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
90 | Dr Paraskevi Argyriou | Biological and Experimental Psychology, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
91 | Dr Vaughan Bell | University College London | 14/03/2020 |
92 | Dr Michael Larkin | Aston University | 14/03/2020 |
93 | Dr Esther Mondragón | City, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
94 | Dr Emily Hannon | Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
95 | Professor Karen Douglas | University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
96 | Merle van den Akker | Warwick Behavioural Insights Team | 14/03/2020 |
97 | Dr Kirsten Abbot-Smith | University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
98 | Prof Chris Chambers | Cardiff University | 14/03/2020 |
99 | Dr Stuart Ritchie | King's College London | 14/03/2020 |
100 | Dr Maxwell N. Burton-Chellew | University of Lausanne | 14/03/2020 |
101 | Prof Ryan McKay | Royal Holloway, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
102 | Prof Sarah Garfinkel | Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
103 | Dr Aulona Ulqinaku | Leeds University Business School, Univerisity of Leeds | 14/03/2020 |
104 | Giovanni Burro | PhD student Warwick Statistics and Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
105 | Dr Cylcia Bolibaugh | University of York | 14/03/2020 |
106 | Bingjie Li | PhD student in Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
107 | Dr Aidan Horner | Department of Psychology, University of York | 14/03/2020 |
108 | Matan Mazor | UCL Institute of Neurology | 14/03/2020 |
109 | Dr Aleksandra Cichocka | University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
110 | Philipp Wähler | PhD student Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
111 | Monica Gonzalez-Marquez | RWTH Aachen University | 14/03/2020 |
112 | Emma Henderson | PhD student, Kingston University | 14/03/2020 |
113 | Omar Verduga-Palencia | PhD student, Experimental Psychology, Queen Mary, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
114 | Yuri Marca | PhD student, Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
115 | Dr Amélie Gourdon-Kanhukamwe | Kingston University London | 14/03/2020 |
116 | Dr Jessica Horst | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
117 | Prof Lisa DeBruine | University of Glasgow | 14/03/2020 |
118 | Prof Barbara Summers | Centre for Decision Research, Leeds University Business School | 14/03/2020 |
119 | Dr Miaolei Jia | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
120 | Karis Moon | PhD student, Kingston Univeristy London | 14/03/2020 |
121 | Nadine Dijkstra | University College London, Institute of Neurology | 14/03/2020 |
122 | Fendi Tsim | PhD student, Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
123 | Dr Sander van der Linden | Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
124 | Dr Sarah Jenkins | Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
125 | Dr Matt Craddock | School of Psychology, University of Lincoln | 14/03/2020 |
126 | Dr Elisa Impara | Department of Sociology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
127 | Rose Turner | Psychology, UAL | 14/03/2020 |
128 | Prof Zvi Safra | Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
129 | Dr Rebecca McDonald | Economics, University of Birmingham | 14/03/2020 |
130 | Dr Richard May | Senior Lecturer in Behaviour Analysis, University of South Wales | 14/03/2020 |
131 | Dr Gulbanu Kaptan | Centre for Decision Research, Leeds University Business School | 14/03/2020 |
132 | Dr Theodoros Alysandratos | Nottingham Trent University | 14/03/2020 |
133 | Dr Irina Cojuharenco | Surrey Business School, University of Surrey | 14/03/2020 |
134 | May Al-Jaber | PhD Student, Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
135 | Dr Jaimie Arona Krems | Oklahoma State University | 14/03/2020 |
136 | Dr Kristin Hadfield | Department of Biological and Experimental Psychology, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
137 | Salvatore Lattanzio | PhD Economics, University of Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
138 | Dr Jon Roozenbeek | Churchill College, University of Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
139 | Dr Mariliis Tael-Öeren | University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
140 | Dr Antonio Cerella | Kingston University London | 14/03/2020 |
141 | Dr Aimee Giles | Senior Lecturer in Behaviour Analysis, University of South Wales | 14/03/2020 |
142 | Prof. Denis Hilton | Dept. of Social Psychology, University of Toulouse | 14/03/2020 |
143 | Prof. Reinhard Pekrun | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
144 | Dr Dario Krpan | London School of Economics | 14/03/2020 |
145 | Dr Giulia Galli | Department of Psychology, Kingston University | 14/03/2020 |
146 | Dr Nicholas Sinclair-House | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
147 | Matija Franklin | PhD student, UCL | 14/03/2020 |
148 | Dr Glyn Hallam | Department of Psychology, The University of Huddersfield | 14/03/2020 |
149 | Dr Timothy Mullett | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
150 | Dr Alice Hoon | Swansea University Medical School | 14/03/2020 |
151 | Dr Constantinos Hadjichristidis | Centre for Decision Research, Leeds University Business School | 14/03/2020 |
152 | Dr Claudia von Bastian | Department of Psychology, The University of Sheffield | 14/03/2020 |
153 | Dr Emre Tarim | Department of Marketing, Lancaster University Management School | 14/03/2020 |
154 | Dr Serena Iacobucci | PhD in Business & Behavioral Sciences, Dept. of Neurosciences, University of Chieti (Italy) | 14/03/2020 |
155 | Dr Ilkka Leppanen | School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University | 14/03/2020 |
156 | Dr Lee de-Wit | Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
157 | Dr Athanasios Hassoulas | Cardiff University | 14/03/2020 |
158 | Dr Fran Meeten | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
159 | Yinqing YU | PhD student, Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
160 | Prof. Aidan Feeney | Queens University Belfast | 14/03/2020 |
161 | Dr Frederike Beyer | Department of Psychology, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
162 | Dr Harry Farmer | School of Human Sciences, University of Greenwich | 14/03/2020 |
163 | Dr Sinead English | School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol | 14/03/2020 |
164 | Professor Aldo Badiani | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
165 | Dr Abigail Page | Dept of Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine | 14/03/2020 |
166 | Prof Constantine Sedikides | Department of Psychology, University of Southampton | 14/03/2020 |
167 | Fangjie Wang | PhD in Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
168 | Dr. Shakiela Davies | University of South Wales | 14/03/2020 |
169 | Dr Jenny Groarke | Centre for Health-Related Quality of Life, School of Psychology, Queen's University Belfast | 14/03/2020 |
170 | Dr Paul Toner | Centre for Health-Related Quality of Life, School of Psychology, Queen's University Belfast | 14/03/2020 |
171 | Evan Fradkin | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
172 | Dr Eugene Tay | National University of Singapore | 14/03/2020 |
173 | Nayyar Iqbal | PhD student Warwick Business School | 13/03/2020 |
174 | Dr Marwa El Zein | University College London - Institute of cognitive neuroscience | 14/03/2020 |
175 | Dr Renata Bongiorno | University of Exeter, Psychology | 14/03/2020 |
176 | Dr Nora Andermane | University of York | 14/03/2020 |
177 | Dr Paul Bain | University of Bath, Psychology | 14/03/2020 |
178 | David Hume | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
179 | Dr Claudia Zucca | Social and Public Health Science Unit, University of Glasgow | 14/03/2020 |
180 | Dr Joost Dessing | School of Psychology, Queen's University Belfast | 14/03/2020 |
181 | Dr Claudia Civai | School of Applied Sciences, London South Bank University | 14/03/2020 |
182 | Dr Lúcia Garrido | Department of Psychology, City, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
183 | Farrukh Rana | PhD Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
184 | Dr Stian Reimers | Department of Psychology, City, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
185 | Anita Lenneis | University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
186 | Prof Roger Giner-Sorolla | School of Psychology, University of Kent, Canterbury | 14/03/2020 |
187 | Bronte Mckeown | PhD student, University of York | 14/03/2020 |
188 | Dr Guy Champniss | Applied Social Psychology, School of Human Sciences and Technology, IE University | 14/03/2020 |
189 | Dr Richard Moore | Clinical psychologist | 14/03/2020 |
190 | Gah-Kai Leung | PhD student, Department of Politics & International Studies, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
191 | Dr. Sarah Wei | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
192 | Giulia Lorenzi | PhD student, Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
193 | Mr. Fei Gao | PhD Student, Marketing, HEC Paris | 14/03/2020 |
194 | Dr Frédéric Basso | London School of Economics | 14/03/2020 |
195 | Dr Brianna Beck | School of Psychology, University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
196 | Jason Burton | PhD Candidate, Psychological Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
197 | Caterina Cinel | School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
198 | Dr Irene Dal Poz | University of Warwick, Department of Philosophy | 14/03/2020 |
199 | D. Brennan | Student of Languages, SMLC, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
200 | Dr Andrea Taylor | University of Leeds | 14/03/2020 |
201 | Dr Evangelos Ntontis | School of Psychology, Politics, Sociology, Canterbury Christ Church, UK | 14/03/2020 |
202 | Dr Maria Hadjimarkou | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
203 | Dr Jens Koed Madsen | University of Oxford | 14/03/2020 |
204 | Dr Rachael Elward | London South Bank University, London, UK | 14/03/2020 |
205 | Dr James Livermore | Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Netherlands | 14/03/2020 |
206 | Dr Sebastian Korb | University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
207 | Robert Hickman | PhD Student, Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
208 | Kelly Wolfe | PhD student, Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
209 | Lina Skora | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
210 | Dr Paul Warren | Division of Neuroscience & Experimental Psychology, University of Manchester | 14/03/2020 |
211 | Prof. Louise Connell | Department of Psychology, Lancaster University | 14/03/2020 |
212 | Ta Vejpattarasiri | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
213 | Dr Laura GE Smith | University of Bath | 14/03/2020 |
214 | Dr. Dermot Lynott | Lancaster University | 14/03/2020 |
215 | Dr Karim Malik | Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
216 | Dr Elisa Carrus | London South Bank University, London, UK | 14/03/2020 |
217 | Dr Katherine Twomey | School of Health Sciences, University of Manchester | 14/03/2020 |
218 | Leigh Caldwell | Cognitive Economics Society/Irrational Agency, London, UK | 14/03/2020 |
219 | Dr Samuel Smith | University of Leeds | 14/03/2020 |
220 | Dr Samuel Johnson | School of Management, University of Bath | 14/03/2020 |
221 | Dr Alexander Reid | Department of Psychology, The University of York | 14/03/2020 |
222 | Kiran Basava | PhD student in Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Oxford | 14/03/2020 |
223 | Jianyu Hao | PhD candidate in King's Business School, King's College London | 14/03/2020 |
224 | Dr. Alissa Ferry | School of Health Sciences, University of Manchester | 14/03/2020 |
225 | Dr Lisa Graham-Wisener | Centre for Improving Health-Related Quality of Life, School of Psychology, Queen's University Belfast | 14/03/2020 |
226 | Dr Scott Rennie | Wharton and Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania | 14/03/2020 |
227 | Dr. Jennifer Misyak | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
228 | Sarah Kelleher | PhD student School of Psychology, University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
229 | Dr Ericka Rascon Ramirez | Lecturer in Development Economics, Middlesex University | 14/03/2020 |
230 | Dr Anke Plagnol | Department of Psychology, City, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
231 | Prof Andrew Colman | Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, University of Leicester | 14/03/2020 |
232 | Phatthanakit Chobthamkit | PhD student, School of Psychology, University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
233 | Dr Bence Palfi | Imperial College London | 14/03/2020 |
234 | Gary Samson | School of Psychology, University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
235 | Prof Kate Jeffery | Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
236 | Dr Lucia Macchia | Department of Psychology, City, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
237 | Dr Daniele Lorenzini | Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
238 | Dr Michael Proulx | Department of Psychology, University of Bath | 14/03/2020 |
239 | Dr Henrik Singmann | Department of Psychology, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
240 | Neha Bose | PhD Candidate, Department of Economics, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
241 | Zijian Wang | PhD student,Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
242 | Dr Stephen Dewitt | Experimental Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
243 | Dr Rachael Bond | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
244 | Dr. Natalie van der Wal | Centre for Decision Research, Leeds University Business School | 14/03/2020 |
245 | Dr Christiana Iordanou | University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
246 | Prof Nick Allum | University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
247 | Dr Anne Schlottmann | Exp. Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
248 | Dr Alex Chase | Oxford Risk | 14/03/2020 |
249 | Aikaterini Rammou | PhD student, School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
250 | Dr John Taylor | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
251 | Dr Leslie van der Leer | School of Psychotherapy and Psychology, Regent's University London | 14/03/2020 |
252 | Dr Dipak Choudhury | Warwickshire Educational Psychology Service | 14/03/2020 |
253 | Dr John Shaw | Department of Psychology, De Montfort University | 14/03/2020 |
254 | Zijing Yang | PhD student, Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
255 | Leah Banellis | PhD student, Centre for Human Brain Health, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham | 14/03/2020 |
256 | Prof. Jenny Bizley | Ear Institute, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
257 | Dr. Frank Witte | Department of Economics, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
258 | Dr Simon Carr | Science, Natural Resources & Outdoor Studies, Univ. of Cumbria | 14/03/2020 |
259 | Dr Rachel McCloy | School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading | 14/03/2020 |
260 | Dr Eugene McSorley | School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading | 14/03/2020 |
261 | Dr Loes van Dam | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
262 | Jali Packer | Centre for Behaviour Change, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
263 | Zoe Adams | Department of Psychology, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
264 | Julie Fabre | PhD student, Neuroscience, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
265 | Dr John Ellis | Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
266 | Melisa Basol | PhD Candidate, Department of Psychology, Cambridge University | 14/03/2020 |
267 | Dr Matteo M Galizzi | London School of Economics | 14/03/2020 |
268 | Austyn Tempesta | PhD student, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham | 14/03/2020 |
269 | Dr Ivan Marković | University of Nottingham | 14/03/2020 |
270 | Lucy Somers | University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
271 | Professor Padraic Monaghan | Department of Psychology, Lancaster University | 14/03/2020 |
272 | Dr Marie Juanchich | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 14/03/2020 |
273 | Dr Mark McCann | MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow | 14/03/2020 |
274 | Izabela Pompova PGCert, BA Hons | University of Sussex; University of Chichester | 14/03/2020 |
275 | Dr Guifen Chen | Dept of Biological and Experimental Psychology, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
276 | Dr Mark McCann | MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow | 14/03/2020 |
277 | Chao Yu | University of Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
278 | Dr Tim Fosker | School of Psychology, Queen's University Belfast | 14/03/2020 |
279 | Dr Mark Haselgrove | School of Psychology, University of Nottingham. | 14/03/2020 |
280 | Ye-Sheen Lim | Financial Computing Research Group, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
281 | Prof David Adger | Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
282 | Rhea Arini | Oxford Brookes University | 14/03/2020 |
283 | Prof Philip Beaman | School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading | 14/03/2020 |
284 | Riaz Ahmed | MSc University Of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology | 14/03/2020 |
285 | Dr Jennifer McBride | School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester | 14/03/2020 |
286 | Dr Alain Samson | behavioraleconomics.com / The Behavioral Economics Guide (London, UK) | 14/03/2020 |
287 | Dr Gordon Ingram | Department of Psychology, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia | 14/03/2020 |
288 | Dr Athanasia Arnokourou | School of Economics, University of Edinburgh | 14/03/2020 |
289 | Dr. Sean Crawford | Philosophy, University of Mancheter | 14/03/2020 |
290 | Dr. Shane McLoughlin | School of Psychology, Faculty of Health, Liverpool John Moores University | 14/03/2020 |
291 | Amanda Owen | Clinical Psychologist and lecturer | 14/03/2020 |
292 | Mark Scott | PhD Student, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
293 | Natalie Burnapp | Independent Board Certified Behaviour Analyst | 14/03/2020 |
294 | Dr Antonella Trotta | King's College London | 14/03/2020 |
295 | Roger Horwood | MA, Economics, Pembroke College, Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
296 | Dr. Matthew Apps | University of Oxford | 14/03/2020 |
297 | Prof. Andrea Isoni | Warwick Business School | 14/03/2020 |
298 | Dr Petar Raykov | University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
299 | Sakshi Ghai | PhD student, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge | 14/03/2020 |
300 | Hongbiao Dong | Research Chair of Royal Academy of Engineering, University of Leicester | 14/03/2020 |
301 | Dr Yongqiang Qiu | Lecturer in Sensor technology, Liverpool John Moores University | 14/03/2020 |
302 | Prof Shujun Li | University of Kent | 14/03/2020 |
303 | Emily Hammond | Department of Psychology, University of Exeter | 14/03/2020 |
304 | Prof Bo Chen | School of Engineering, University of Leicester | 14/03/2020 |
305 | Dr Matthew Buckley | Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Behaviour, University of Leicester | 14/03/2020 |
306 | Dr Tim Fawcett | Senior Lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Psychology, University of Exeter | 14/03/2020 |
307 | Dr Natalia Stanulewicz | School of Applied Social Sciences, De Montfort University | 14/03/2020 |
308 | Daniele D'Agostino | University of Nottingham, School of Life Sciences | 14/03/2020 |
309 | Prof Jennifer Wen | School of Engineering, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
310 | Dr Jordan Harold | School of Psychology, University of East Anglia | 14/03/2020 |
311 | Dr Ania Zubala | Institute of Health Research and Innovation, University of the Highlands and Islands | 14/03/2020 |
312 | Dr Michael Clark | Faculty of Business and Law, University of the West of England | 14/03/2020 |
313 | Prof. Yanjun Guan | Professor in Management, Durham University | 14/03/2020 |
314 | Prof Christina Liossi | Professor of Paediatric Psychology, University of Southampton | 14/03/2020 |
315 | Dr Dimitrios Koutoukidis | Research Fellow, University of Oxford | 14/03/2020 |
316 | Joel Petch | Senior Lecturer, Canterbury | 14/03/2020 |
317 | Dr Hao JIng | Senior Research Fellow, WMG, University of Warwick | 14/03/2020 |
318 | Prof Gaëlle Vallée-Tourangeau | Kingston Business School | 14/03/2020 |
319 | Prof Yaochu Jin | Professor in Computational Intelligence, University of Surrey | 14/03/2020 |
320 | Hongri Cong | PhD student, University of Leicester | 14/03/2020 |
321 | Professor Ganna Pogrebna | University of Birmingham and the Alan Turing Institute | 14/03/2020 |
322 | Dr Ruth Hatcher | University of Leicester | 14/03/2020 |
323 | Prof. Helene Joffe | Professor of Psychology, University College London | 14/03/2020 |
324 | Dr Shi Xu | Lecturer, University of Surrey | 14/03/2020 |
325 | Shayoni Lynn | Cardiff University | 14/03/2020 |
326 | Jade Pickering | University of York & University of Manchester | 14/03/2020 |
327 | Professor William Gaver | Goldsmiths, University of London | 14/03/2020 |
328 | Dr Gabriela Jiga-Boy | Department of Psychology, Swansea University UK | 14/03/2020 |
329 | Prof Jian-Bo Yang | University of Manchester | 14/03/2020 |
330 | Professor Richard Bentall | Department of Psychology, Sheffield University | 14/03/2020 |
331 | Dr Paul Lamont-Kane | Research Fellow, Queen's University Belfast | 14/03/2020 |
332 | Dr. Xiaozhou Zhao | Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire | 14/03/2020 |
333 | Sue Mah | PhD Psychology University of Nottingham | 14/03/2020 |
334 | Dr. Roberto Fumagalli | Lecturer and Director of Philosophy Politics and Economics Program, King's College London | 14/03/2020 |
335 | Prof John Towse | Department of Psychology, Lancaster University | 14/03/2020 |
336 | Anushri Gupta | PhD, Queen Mary University of London | 14/03/2020 |
337 | Tatiana Kornienko | School of Economics, University of Edinburgh | 14/03/2020 |
338 | Professor Yanqing Duan | University of Bedfordshire | 14/03/2020 |
339 | Dr. Brian Carse | University of the West of England | 14/03/2020 |
340 | Dr. Alexander Bowring | Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford | 14/03/2020 |
341 | Dr. Yao Jiang | Institute of Clinical Scienes, University of Birmingham | 14/03/2020 |
342 | Dr. Linyi Zhu | Kennedy Institute of Rhumatology, University of Oxford | 14/03/2020 |
343 | Dr Charlotte Vrinten | Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation, Imperial College Business School | 14/03/2020 |
344 | Douglas MacFarlane | Visiting Researcher, University of Cambridge, PhD candidate, University of Western Australia, | 15/03/2020 |
345 | Dr. Qiang Wu | Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne | 14/03/2020 |
346 | Dr. Xiaoqian Fu | MD. PhD. Imperial College | 14/03/2020 |
347 | Professor Jonathan Freeman | Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths University of London | 14/03/2020 |
348 | Dr Gongtao Zhang | Assistant Professor, Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham | 14/03/2020 |
349 | Professor Liam Delaney | Incoming head of LSE Department of Psychological & Behavioural Science | 14/03/2020 |
350 | Dr Yanan Feng | University of Nottingham | 14/03/2020 |
351 | Dr Samuel Smithers | Experimental Economist, Independent | 14/03/2020 |
352 | Dr Marv Khammash | University of Sussex | 14/03/2020 |
353 | Zhengnan Zhu | PhD students in Economics, Imperial College London | 14/03/2020 |
354 | Xijie Gao | PhD candidates in Economics, London School of Economics | 14/03/2020 |
355 | Professor Liam Dorris | University of Glasgow & NHS Greater Glasgow | 14/03/2020 |
356 | Dr I-Chun Lin | UK DRI | 14/03/2020 |
357 | Eva Viviani | UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences | 15/03/2020 |
358 | Prof. Niamh Fitzgerald | University of Stirling | 15/03/2020 |
359 | Dr Andrea Olguin | University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
360 | Dr Sonia Pritchard | PhD Linguistics, University of Ottawa | 15/03/2020 |
361 | Dr Rhiannon Phillips | Health Psychologist, Cardiff Metropolitan University | 15/03/2020 |
362 | Matthew Willcox | Behaviorural Insights Practitioner | 15/03/2020 |
363 | Dr Daniel Tang | Post doctoral researcher, University of Leeds | 15/03/2020 |
364 | Dr Rosamond Watling | Psychology, Regent's University London | 15/03/2020 |
365 | Dr Ed Mohaney | Department of Chemistry, University of Bristol | 15/03/2020 |
366 | Prof Jörg Huber | University of Brighton | 15/03/2020 |
367 | Nicola De Lillo | University of Glasgow | 15/03/2020 |
368 | Dr. Andrej Angelovski | Middlesex University | 15/03/2020 |
369 | Dr Suzanne McDonald | Newcastle University | 15/03/2020 |
370 | Hanzhi Zhang | PhD Evolutionary Anthropology, University College London | 15/03/2020 |
371 | Dr Niko Kargas | University of Lincoln, School of Psychology | 15/03/2020 |
372 | Dr Matina Tsiora | University of Lincoln, School of Psychology | 15/03/2020 |
373 | Andrew Rizzo Naudi | PhD student, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
374 | Dr Ellen Townend | Health Psychologist, Practitioner Psychologist. | 15/03/2020 |
375 | Sabrina Hung | MA Courtauld Institute of Art | 15/03/2020 |
376 | Dr. Chris Brand | University of Leicester | 15/03/2020 |
377 | Mousuf C Zaman | Computer Science, City, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
378 | Dheeya Rizmie | Centre of Health Economics, Policy & Innovation, Imperial College London | 15/03/2020 |
379 | Dr Kate Windridge | Health Services Researcher, University of Leicester (retired) | 15/03/2020 |
380 | Mathilde Gressier | Centre of Health Economics, Policy & Innovation, Imperial College London | 15/03/2020 |
381 | Prof Andrew Howes | Head of Computer Science, University of Birmingham | 15/03/2020 |
382 | Dr Daniel Bor | Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
383 | Dr Mao Mao | University of Oxford | 15/03/2020 |
384 | Professor Genhua Pan | University of Ply | 15/03/2020 |
385 | Dr Ben Kenward | Psychology, Oxford Brookes University | 15/03/2020 |
386 | Dr Lukasz Walasek | Department of Psychology, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
387 | Prof Changjiang Dong | University of East Anglia | 15/03/2020 |
388 | Prof David Foxcroft | Psychology and Public Health, Oxford Brookes University | 15/03/2020 |
389 | Dr William Skylark | University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
390 | Wakefield Morys-Carter | Psychology, Oxford Brookes University | 15/03/2020 |
391 | Dr Ian Kellar | School of Psychology, University of Leeds | 15/03/2020 |
392 | Dr Caren Frosch | Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, University of Leicester | 15/03/2020 |
393 | Dr Dan Mercea | Sociology, City, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
394 | Dr Jing Deng | Senior Clinical Lecturer, University College London | 15/03/2020 |
395 | Dr Emma Bridger | Department of Psychology, Birmingham City University | 15/03/2020 |
396 | Dr Dusana Dorjee | University of York | 15/03/2020 |
397 | Dr Michael Pilling | Psychology, Oxford Brookes University | 15/03/2020 |
398 | Dr Liam Satchell | Department of Psychology, University of Winchester | 15/03/2020 |
399 | Professor Matthew Watson | Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
400 | Dr Trevor McCrisken | Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
401 | Professor Lu Liu | School of Informatics, University of Leicester | 15/03/2020 |
402 | Dr Olivia Afonso | Department of Psychology, Health and Professional Development | 15/03/2020 |
403 | Dr Stefania Romano | Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies, University of Leeds | 15/03/2020 |
404 | Dr Susannah Pick | Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London | 15/03/2020 |
405 | Dr Rajan Bhanot | LENS, IU OVPR Research | 15/03/2020 |
406 | Dr Molly Crockett | Oxford Centre for Neuroethics and Yale University | 15/03/2020 |
407 | Prof Angelo Maligno | IISE University of Derby | 15/03/2020 |
408 | Dr Jürgen Hackl | Lecturer, University of Liverpool, School of Engineering | 15/03/2020 |
409 | Dr Grazia Antonacci | Imperial College London | 15/03/2020 |
410 | Dr Sevasti Foka | Psychology, Queen Mary University of London | 15/03/2020 |
411 | Prof Peter Harris | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 15/03/2020 |
412 | Dr Billy Christmas | Department of Political Economy, King's College London | 15/03/2020 |
413 | Alice O'Leary | PhD student; Neuroscience; University College London | 15/03/2020 |
414 | Dr Rachel Crockett | Stirling University | 15/03/2020 |
415 | Dr Emmanouil Konstantinidis | Department of Psychology - University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
416 | Maris Vainre | PhD student, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge & Designer of Behavioural Policy, Praxis Centre for Policy Studies, Estonia | 15/03/2020 |
417 | Dr Emile van der Zee | School of Psychology, University of Lincoln | 15/03/2020 |
418 | Dr. Andrej Bicanski | ICN, UCL | 15/03/2020 |
419 | Prof Markus Damian | School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol | 15/03/2020 |
420 | Dr Aman Saleem | Experimental Psychology, University College London | 15/03/2020 |
421 | Jörn Alexander Quent | PhD, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
422 | Dr Katherine Appleford | Sociology, Kingston University London | 15/03/2020 |
423 | Zuly Mamat | PhD, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
424 | Dr Christopher Hamerton | SSPC, University of Southampton | 15/03/2020 |
425 | Dr Konstantinos Katsikopoulos | Dept. of Decision Analytics and Risk, University of Southampton | 15/03/2020 |
426 | Dr Joe Gladstone | School of Management, University College London | 15/03/2020 |
427 | Dr. Fulvia Draicchio | Physiology and Metabolism, Life Sciences, University of Roehampton | 15/03/2020 |
428 | Dr Elisa Frasnelli | School of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln | 15/03/2020 |
429 | Dr Abhijit Sengupta | University of Kent | 15/03/2020 |
430 | Dr Zhen Ye | The Bartlett, University College London | 15/03/2020 |
431 | Dr Eleonore Batteux | Department of Clinical, Health and Educational Psychology, UCL | 15/03/2020 |
432 | Dr Briony Pulford | Judgment and Decision Making Research Group, University of Leicester | 15/03/2020 |
433 | Dr Maggie Brennan | University of Plymouth | 15/03/2020 |
434 | Ceren Bengu Cibik | Department of Economics, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
435 | Prof Simon Kirby | Centre for Language Evolution, University of Edinburgh | 15/03/2020 |
436 | Cathy Bernal | School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Canterbury Christ Church U iveristy | 15/03/2020 |
437 | Katy Irving | Global Head of Behavioural Science, Healthcare Research Worldwide Ltd. | 15/03/2020 |
438 | Dr Kenton D'Mellow | IGMM, University of Edinburgh | 15/03/2020 |
439 | Dr Grant McGeechan | Chartered Psychologist, Teesside University | 15/03/2020 |
440 | Dr Samantha Quaife | University College London | 15/03/2020 |
441 | Dr Deepak Ailani | Department of Neuroscience, University of Sheffield | 15/03/2020 |
442 | Lajos Kossuth | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
443 | Dr Cristina Costantini | Regent's University London | 15/03/2020 |
444 | Dr Emma Russell | Clinical psychologist and social marketing postgraduate at Brighton University | 15/03/2020 |
445 | Dr Heather Myles | Lecturer in Criminal Justice, University of the West of Scotland | 15/03/2020 |
446 | Federica Nisini | Department of Psychology, University of Sussex | 15/03/2020 |
447 | Dr. Tina Ryan | Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Lecturer | 15/03/2020 |
448 | Dr Alberto Acerbi | Centre for Culture and Evolution, Brunel University London | 15/03/2020 |
449 | Dr Constantina Markides | Clinical Psychologist, NHS | 15/03/2020 |
450 | Dr Eleanor Palser | University College London; University of California, San Francisco | 15/03/2020 |
451 | Prof Tjeerd van Staa | Clinical epidemiologist, University of Manchester | 15/03/2020 |
452 | Emma Evans | University of Sheffield | 15/03/2020 |
453 | Dr Rosie Jones | Clinical Psychologist, Independent Practice Bath & Psychology for Ecology | 15/03/2020 |
454 | Dr Fatma Benkhelifa | Imperial College London | 15/03/2020 |
455 | Dr Emily Shaw | Clinical Psychologist, NHS | 15/03/2020 |
456 | Prof Cecilia Heyes | Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford | 15/03/2020 |
457 | Chiawei Wang | PhD Experimental Linguistics, University of Edinburgh | 15/03/2020 |
458 | Zhenshen Zhou | PhD Linguistics and English Language, University of Edinburgh | 15/03/2020 |
459 | Chiu-Chou Hao | PhD Psycholinguitsics, University of Edinburgh | 15/03/2020 |
460 | Prof. Chris Starmer | School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
461 | Prof. Peter Hegarty | School of Psychology, University of Surrey | 15/03/2020 |
462 | Dr Michelle Taylor | Royal Holloway, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
463 | Maarten Hardenberg | PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
464 | Lyu Zhang | PhD Student, Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
465 | Dr Ruth Barrett-Naylor | Clinical Psychologist, Nottinghamshire NHS | 15/03/2020 |
466 | James Street | PhD Candidate, Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience, University College London | 15/03/2020 |
467 | Dr Chiara Avancini | Research Associate, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
468 | Prof Judy Reed Edworthy | Professor of Applied Psychology, University of Plymouth | 15/03/2020 |
469 | Dr Rebecca Chamberlain | Goldsmiths, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
470 | Prof John Sloboda | Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London | 15/03/2020 |
471 | Dr Keith May | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 15/03/2020 |
472 | Prof Vera Kempe | Division of Psychology and Forensic Science, Abertay University | 15/03/2020 |
473 | Prof Lauren Stewart | Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
474 | Dr Daniel T. Vipond | PhD, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom | 15/03/2020 |
475 | Professor Alice Gregory | Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
476 | Dr Seda Erdem | Economics, University of Stirling | 15/03/2020 |
477 | Dr Devin Terhune | Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
478 | Dr Valentina Abbatelli | School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
479 | Dr Karina J Linnell | Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths University of London | 15/03/2020 |
480 | Filippo Cagnetti | Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex | 15/03/2020 |
481 | Dr. Simone Schnall | Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
482 | Julia Koziel | Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences, KCL, UK | 15/03/2020 |
483 | Dr Alastair Smith | Division of Global Sustainable Development, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
484 | Yulia Kovas | Goldsmiths University of London | 15/03/2020 |
485 | Dr Janet McLean | Abertay University | 15/03/2020 |
486 | Prof Fiona Gabbert | Goldsmiths University of London | 15/03/2020 |
487 | Benno Guenther | Director, Salient Behavioural Consutants; PhD Candidate, London School of Economics | 15/03/2020 |
488 | Diego Marino Fages | PhD Student, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
489 | Prof. Nigel Harvey | Department of Experimental Psychology, University College London | 15/03/2020 |
490 | Dr Jose Guinot Saporta | School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
491 | Kevin Brandler | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
492 | Prof Peter Hampson | Emeritus Professor of Psychology UWE, Bristol and Research Fellow Blackfriars Hall, Oxford | 15/03/2020 |
493 | Jane Lessiter | Goldsmiths University of London | 15/03/2020 |
494 | Prof Abigail Barr | School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
495 | Prof Maria Montero | School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
496 | Malte Baader | PhD Student, School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
497 | Patrick Maus | School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
498 | Anna Hochleitner | PhD Student, School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
499 | Richard Mills | PhD Student, School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
500 | Dr Federico Botta | Department of Computer Science, University of Exeter | 15/03/2020 |
501 | Dr Danae Arroyos-Calvera | Department of Economics, University of Birmingham | 15/03/2020 |
502 | Thom Scott-Phillips | Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University, Budapest (UK citizen) | 15/03/2020 |
503 | Jan de Fockert | Goldsmiths, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
504 | Elena González Egea | PhD student, University of Hertfordshire | 15/03/2020 |
505 | Dr Brandon Stewart | School of Psychology, University of Birmingham | 15/03/2020 |
506 | Dr Abhijit Sengupta | Kent Business School, University of Kent | 15/03/2020 |
507 | Dr Bahar Koymen | School of Health Sciences, University of Manchester | 15/03/2020 |
508 | Sarah Bowen | PhD Student, School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
509 | Dr Alison Smedley | Stoke on Trent Educational Psychology Service | 15/03/2020 |
510 | Dr Kim Nguyen | University of Lincoln | 15/03/2020 |
511 | Prof. Asifa Majid | Department of Psychology, University of York | 15/03/2020 |
512 | Dr Marta Mangiarulo | Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, University of Leicester | 15/03/2020 |
513 | Dr Sophie Milward | Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth | 15/03/2020 |
514 | Dr Alexandra Krugliak | Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
515 | Dr Tobias Bruenner | University of Lincoln | 15/03/2020 |
516 | Dr Charisma Choudhury | Choice Modelling Centre, University of Leeds | 15/03/2020 |
517 | Dr. Helen Mann | Clinical Psychologist | 15/03/2020 |
518 | Ernesto Maria Gavassa Perez | PhD Student, School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
519 | Dr Madoka Kumashiro | Goldsmiths, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
520 | Dr Astrid Kause | Leeds University Business School | 15/03/2020 |
521 | Dr Joe Levy | Department of Psychology, University of Roehampton | 15/03/2020 |
522 | Dr Clare Walsh | School of Psychology, University of Plymouth | 15/03/2020 |
523 | Dr Fabio Tufano | School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
524 | Dr Marinella Cappelletti | Goldsmiths, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
525 | Dr Oguz Acar | City, University of London | 15/03/2020 |
526 | Elina Halonen | Behavioural Insights Practitioner | 15/03/2020 |
527 | Kyeongtae Lee | PhD Candidate, School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
528 | Dr Kathryn Francis | Division of Psychology, University of Bradford | 15/03/2020 |
529 | Dr Dan Shepperd | Lecturer, Dept of Psychology, Aston University | 15/03/2020 |
530 | Dr Natalie Wyer | University of East Anglia | 15/03/2020 |
531 | Dr Jonathan Berman | London Business School | 15/03/2020 |
532 | Shruti Surachita | PhD Student, School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 15/03/2020 |
533 | Dr Mariana Babo Rebelo | Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London | 15/03/2020 |
534 | Dr Elena Achtypi | Behavioural Sciences/Insights Practicioner | 15/03/2020 |
535 | Dr Michelle O'RIordan | Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
536 | Prerna Aneja | PhD candidate, School of Psychology, University of East Anglia | 15/03/2020 |
537 | Dr Max Parker | Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge | 15/03/2020 |
538 | Dr Stephanie Chen | Assistant Professor, London Business School | 15/03/2020 |
539 | Prof Michael Moore | Emeritus Professor, Warwick Business School | 15/03/2020 |
540 | Dr Lucia Scardia | Associate Professor in Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University | 15/03/2020 |
541 | Sheng Wang | DPhil student, Mathematicial Institute, University of Oxford | 15/03/2020 |
542 | Prof. Michael Vlassopoulos | Department of Economics, University of Southampton | 15/03/2020 |
543 | Dr. Matteo Pinna Pintor | Research Associate, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research | 16/03/2020 |
544 | Arran Preston | MSC psychology student, Plymouth university | 15/03/2020 |
545 | Dr Miles Thompson | Senior Lecturer in Psychology, UWE Bristol | 15/03/2020 |
546 | Joseph French | PhD student, University of Edinburgh | 15/03/2020 |
547 | Dr Ron Roberts | Honorary Lecturer, Dept of Psychology, Kingston University | 15/03/2020 |
548 | Prof Volker Thoma | University of East London | 15/03/2020 |
549 | Yu-Chun Huang | PhD student, University of Warwick | 15/03/2020 |
550 | Alice Bush | PhD student, University of East Anglia | 15/03/2020 |
551 | Lucy Evans | PhD student, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
552 | Dr. Antonio Zuffiano | Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Liverpool Hope University | 16/03/2020 |
553 | Lorraine O'Sullivan | Educational Psychologist, City of Edinburgh Council | 16/03/2020 |
554 | Dr Sotiris Georganas | Reader in Behavioural Economics, City University of London | 16/03/2020 |
555 | Martyna Bogacz | University of Leeds | 16/03/2020 |
556 | Dr Emma Anderson | Health Psychologist, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol | 16/03/2020 |
557 | Hector Geoffrey Dokopoulos Hamilton | PhD Student, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton | 16/03/2020 |
558 | Shine Prakash | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 16/03/2020 |
559 | Sherley Tordoff | Clinical Psychologist | 16/03/2020 |
560 | Dr Michela Perani | Cancer Research UK | 16/03/2020 |
561 | Dr Nicolas Geeraert | Department of Psychology, University of Essex | 16/03/2020 |
562 | Amy Malaguti | University of Dundee & NHS Tayside | 16/03/2020 |
563 | Dr Emma Tecwyn | School of Social Sciences, Birmingham City University | 16/03/2020 |
564 | Prof. Barry Richards | Professor of Political Psychology, Bournemouth University | 16/03/2020 |
565 | Bronagh Fitzpatrick | NHS Tayside | 16/03/2020 |
566 | Dr Gilbert Fruhwirth | King's College London, Imaging Sciences | 16/03/2020 |
567 | Dr Alex Kafkas | Neuroscience & Experimental Psychology, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
568 | Dr. Neha Singh | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine | 16/03/2020 |
569 | Santosh Kumar | Biosciences, University of Birmingham. | 16/03/2020 |
570 | Dr. Susan Joseph | Research Associate, King's College London | 16/03/2020 |
571 | Dr Caspar Addyman | Goldsmiths, University of London | 16/03/2020 |
572 | Fiona Nielsen | Bioinformatics scientist, CEO and founder of Repositive Limited | 16/03/2020 |
573 | Gauri Chandra | PhD student in Behavioural Public Policy, University of Oxford | 16/03/2020 |
574 | Dr. Alasdair Hubbard | Postdoctoral Research Associate in Microbiology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine | 16/03/2020 |
575 | Rhiannon Phillips | Behavioural Scientist, Healthcare Research Worldwide Ltd. | 16/03/2020 |
576 | Dr Marina Rachitskiy | School of Psychotherapy and Psychology, Regent's University London | 16/03/2020 |
577 | Kiran Pawar | Behavioural Scientist, Healthcare Research Worldwide Ltd. | 16/03/2020 |
578 | Dr Joseph Healey | Research Fellow in Molecular Microbiology, Microbiology and Infection Unit, Division of Biomedical Science, University of Warwick Medical School | 16/03/2020 |
579 | James Monckton | Ex UK MoD Psychological Operations + Influence Officer | 16/03/2020 |
580 | Emma Neville | Behavioural Science Analyst, Healthcare Research Worldwide | 16/03/2020 |
581 | Lucie Martin | PhD student Behavioural Economics, University College Dublin | 16/03/2020 |
582 | Dr Daniel Mitchell | MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge | 16/03/2020 |
583 | Dr. Alan McElligott | Dept of Life Sciences, University of Roehampton, London | 16/03/2020 |
584 | Dr Philip Gee | School of Psychology, University of Plymouth | 16/03/2020 |
585 | Dr Anna Karagianni | Edinburgh University | 16/03/2020 |
586 | Phoebe Kent | Behavioural Science Consultant | 16/03/2020 |
587 | Azim Arsiwala | Behavioural Science Consultant | 16/03/2020 |
588 | Eoin Campbell | Behavioural Science Consultant | 16/03/2020 |
589 | Dr Roxanne Kovacs | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | 16/03/2020 |
590 | Dr Antonino Sgalambro | University of Sheffield, Lecturer in Decision Sciences and Operational Research | 16/03/2020 |
591 | Dr Constantinos Antoniou | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 16/03/2020 |
592 | Dr Kate Laffan | Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science | 16/03/2020 |
593 | Jo Zhong | Nottingham Trent University | 16/03/2020 |
594 | Dr Kristine Arnvig | University College London | 16/03/2020 |
595 | Brian Li Han Wong | Medical Research Council Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at University College London | 16/03/2020 |
596 | Dr Vicky Jervis | Clinical Psychologist | 16/03/2020 |
597 | Dr Wijnand van Tilburg | Lecturer in Psychology, University of Essex | 16/03/2020 |
598 | Dr. Jesal D. Sheth | Behavioural Economist, Banking Standards Board | 16/03/2020 |
599 | Sanchayan Banerjee | PhD Candidate in Environmental Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science | 16/03/2020 |
600 | Dr. Koula Asimakopoulou | Reader in Health Psychology, King's College London | 16/03/2020 |
601 | Dr. Chris Henry | University of Kent, Canterbury | 16/03/2020 |
602 | Dr Daniel Welch | Dept of Sociology, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
603 | Dr George MacKerron | Dept of Economics, University of Sussex | 16/03/2020 |
604 | Dr Tom Pegram | Department of Political Science, University College London | 16/03/2020 |
605 | Dr. Gary Brown | Psychology Department, Royal Holloway University of London | 16/03/2020 |
606 | Dr Anomitro Chatterjee | Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics | 16/03/2020 |
607 | Dr Saoirse Connor Desai | City, University of London/UNSW | 16/03/2020 |
608 | Sheena MacRae | PhD student in Health Sciences, University of Hull | 16/03/2020 |
609 | Filippo Oncini | Sustainable Consumption Institute, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
610 | Dr Michelle Obeid | Dept of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
611 | Anh Le | Politics Department, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
612 | Cedomir Vuckovic | Sociology, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
613 | Dr Jill Ebrey | Sociology/Education, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
614 | Dr Abigail Webb | University of Essex | 16/03/2020 |
615 | Prof Nick Lee | Warwick Business School, University of Warwick | 16/03/2020 |
616 | Dr Tanya Nesic | Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist and Clinical Psychologist | 16/03/2020 |
617 | Rory Spanton | School of Psychology, University of Plymouth | 16/03/2020 |
618 | Dr Chris Alford | Associate Professor in Psychology, University of the West of England | 16/03/2020 |
619 | Marion Mayer | Behavioural Insights Practitioner | 16/03/2020 |
620 | Dr Martin Doherty | Psychology, University of East Anglia | 16/03/2020 |
621 | Caitlin Schmid | Sociology, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
622 | Dr Alexandra Constantinescu | UCL | 16/03/2020 |
623 | Magdalena Rodekirchen | PhD Researcher, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
624 | Dr Peter McMylor | Sociology, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
625 | Dr Barbara Fasolo | Behavioural Lab, London School of Economics | 16/03/2020 |
626 | Dr Martin Dempster | School of Psychology, Queen's University Belfast | 16/03/2020 |
627 | Dr Luke Yates | Lecturer in Sociology, University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
628 | Dr Caroline Rix | Goldsmiths, Univeristy of London | 16/03/2020 |
629 | Dr Jenny Bosten | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 16/03/2020 |
630 | Dr Jeremy Young | School of Economics and Management, Universidad Javeriana (PhD Psychology, University of Sussex) | 16/03/2020 |
631 | Dr Kait Clark | Department of Health and Social Sciences, University of the West of England | 16/03/2020 |
632 | Dr. Diarmuid Coughlan | Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University | 16/03/2020 |
633 | Flora Ioannidou | PhD Student in School of Psychology, University of Lincoln | 16/03/2020 |
634 | Mauro Renna | Behavioural Insights Practitioner, MSc Be Sci University of Stirling | 16/03/2020 |
635 | Dr Neil Robert Bramley | Lecturer in Cogntive Psychology, University of Edinburgh | 16/03/2020 |
636 | Rebecca Atkinson | School of Psychology, University of Sussex | 16/03/2020 |
637 | Sonia Abad-Hernando | Psychology Department, City, University of London | 16/03/2020 |
638 | David Schroeder | Senior Lecturer, Economics Department, Birkbeck College, University of London | 16/03/2020 |
639 | Prof Geerten Vuister | Professor of Structural Biology; University of Leicester | 16/03/2020 |
640 | Anna Cartwright | Associate Professor in Economics, EFA, FBL, Coventry University | 16/03/2020 |
641 | Dr Emily Arden-Close | Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Bournemouth University | 16/03/2020 |
642 | Prof Simon Gaechter | Profesor of the Psychology of Economic Decision Making, University of Nottingham | 16/03/2020 |
643 | Dr Kim Schenke | University of Gloucestershire | 16/03/2020 |
644 | Dr Gbola Gbadamosi | Business School, Bournemouth University | 16/03/2020 |
645 | Dr Volker Patent | Chartered Psychologist - School of Psychology, The Open University | 16/03/2020 |
646 | Pedro Bandeira | Pharmacist, St.Georges Hospital | 16/03/2020 |
647 | Dr Robert King | Psychologist UCC | 16/03/2020 |
648 | Prof. Arman Eshraghi | Professor of Finance, Cardiff University | 16/03/2020 |
649 | Paola Lombardi | Lawyer (UBA) and Behavioural Economist graduate, City University | 16/03/2020 |
650 | Mark Mitcheson | Behavioural Decision Science, Kingston University | 16/03/2020 |
651 | Dr Gillian Ferrier | Staff Tutor for Psychology, Open University, Scotland | 16/03/2020 |
652 | Dr Johanna Motzkau | School of Psychology and Counselling, The Open University | 16/03/2020 |
653 | Dr Keith Hyams | Political Theory and Ethics, University of Warwick | 16/03/2020 |
654 | Marija Stojkovic | Psychiatrist, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist | 16/03/2020 |
655 | Dr Lee Curley | Lecturer in Psychology, the Open University | 16/03/2020 |
656 | Dr Ellen Seiss | Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Bournemouth University | 16/03/2020 |
657 | Prof Anne Richards | Birkbeck College, University of London | 16/03/2020 |
658 | Prof Chris French | Goldsmiths, University of London | 16/03/2020 |
659 | Prof Shalom Lappin | King's College London, and Queen Mary University of London | 16/03/2020 |
660 | Alice Liefgreen | PhD Student, Experimental Psychology, University College London | 16/03/2020 |
661 | Wenjie Yin | PhD Student, Cognitive Science, Queen Mary University of London | 16/03/2020 |
662 | Prof Christine Nicol | Animal Behaviour, Royal Veterinary College, London | 16/03/2020 |
663 | Dadi Zhao | PhD Student, Cancer Science, University of Birmingham | 16/03/2020 |
664 | Amira Korkor | PhD Student, Queen Mary University of London | 16/03/2020 |
665 | Navin Patel | PhD Student, ARQ, Queen Mary University of London | 16/03/2020 |
666 | Dr Alex Possajennikov | School of Economics, University of Nottingham | 16/03/2020 |
667 | Dr Jana Martiskova | School of Psychotherapy and Psychology, Regent's University London | 16/03/2020 |
668 | Prof Anna Wilkinson | School of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln | 16/03/2020 |
669 | Lara Suraci | PhD Student, Behavioural Economics, University of Nottingham | 16/03/2020 |
670 | Dr Julian Hough | Queen Mary University of London | 16/03/2020 |
671 | Dr Keith Jensen | University of Manchester | 16/03/2020 |
672 | Liberata Gahongayire | PhD student, History, ULB( Belgium) | 16/03/2020 |
673 | Jorge Del-Bosque-Trevino | PhD Student, Cognitive Science, and Teaching Fellow, Queen Mary University of London | 16/03/2020 |
674 | Pengcheng Lu | PhD Student, Cognitive Science, Queen Mary University of London | 16/03/2020 |
675 | Dr Yaniv Hanoch | Southampton Business School, Southampton University | 16/03/2020 |
676 | Dr Olga Kostopoulou | Imperial College London | 16/03/2020 |
677 | Prof. Tony Manstead | Cardiff University | 16/03/2020 |
678 | Dan Thorman | Research Associate, Department of Psychology, University of Bath | 16/03/2020 |
679 | Dr Emily Moffat | NHS Grampian & University of Aberdeen | 16/03/2020 |
680 | Prof. Martin Pickering | University of Edinburgh | 16/03/2020 |
681 | Kayley Birch-Hurst | Department of Health and Social Sciences, University of the West of England | 16/03/2020 |