Alamos Gold lies to foreign investors!
As reactions to the gold mine continues, Alamos Gold appears to have published a report full of lies.
In the report of the Alamos Gold company that explores gold in the Kaz Mountains, it is claimed that the company is in constant contact with the local community and the government, and that the community is assisted by schools, festivals and scholarships.
The “Water and Conscience Watch" initiated by envaironmentalists and local people is growing day by day. More people participate in the actions every day against the gold mine. However, the company's report argues that "they are successful in understanding local challenges and that the priorities are the will of the local people."
The protests began last week with the establishment of several tents. Today, thousands of citizens, including local people and environmentalists, marched to the mine site where the trees were slaughtered.
Ignoring all the reactions of CHP's Çanakkale Municipality, Alamos Gold continues mining activities in Kaz Mountains. Contrary to the claim of the company, the CHP Mayor of Gallipoli Ulgur Gokhan, organized by the public called on the protests. Mayor of Canakkale Ulgur Gokhan said, "I would like to invite you to the action on the 5th of August on the hill of Kirazlı Balaban. This is the act of saving the Kaz Mountains."