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Barış İnce wins the 2019 Anday Literature Prize with his novel

“Sarsıntı (Shake)” a novel by Turkish author and journalist Barış İnce, has won a new national literature prize, launched by the Melih Cevdet Anday Literature Prizes. Prize will be split between Barış İnce and another novelist Neslihan Önderoğlu.

The prize, awarded at a ceremony in Muğla on 29 August. The magnificient novel Sarsıntı based on a true story about child abuse in an Islamic island. Novel examines the concepts like justice, courage and violance in a degenerated society. And also has a subtext about Bentham’s panopticon . Powerful Islamic community watches everyone and everybody knows they are being watched like panopticon. And also round table, round island, reading the diary and personal history are the metaphors about panopticon philosophy.

BARIŞ İNCE was born in İzmir in 1982. He completed his primary education in İzmir Mustafa Reşit Paşa Elementary School and his secondary education in İzmir Karşıyaka Anatolian High School. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Istanbul University. He holds a master's degree in Political Science from Yıldız Technical University. He began to work as a reporter in an international economy magazine called BusinessWeek. In 2007, he started to work as an editor in BirGün daily. In this newspaper he worked as an editor, news director and editor in chief. He took the Successful Journalist of the Year Award from Contemporary Journalist Association and Turkish Association of Journalists in 2013 and 2014. He published 7&70 Children Lecture Magazine. He wrotes a theatre text called “According to What”. His stories and articles are published by BirGün Daily and Bavul Magazine. He wrote two novels called Çelişki (Contradictions) and Sarsıntı (Shake) published by Can Publishing House. He took the Melih Cevdet Anday Best Novel Literature Prize by his book Sarsıntı in 2019.