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Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - April 16, 2017

16 April 2017, Sunday

BirGün – Böyle kazandığını, böyle kaybetme (Do not lose what you won like this) Making a comparison between how the War of Independence was won and how the current ruling party has been leading

Akit – Mühür millete (And, the stamp is now given to the people)

Akşam – Evet, artık söz milletin (Yes, the people have the say now)

Aydınlık – Yahudi lobisiyle görüşmenin kaydı yok (There is no record of the meeting with the Jewish lobby) Referring to Erdoğan’s meeting in earlier February

Cumhuriyet – Cumhuriyet için sandığa (Off to the ballot boxes for the sake of the Republic)

Diriliş Postası – Kıyasıya bir savştı bu; haçla hilalin, Batı’yla Doğu’nun, imanla inkarın savaşı (It was severe battle between the crescent and the star; west and the east; faith and denial) A quote by a famous author written as headline in old Ottoman language

Evrensel – Oyunu kullan, sandığa sahip çık (Cast your vote and protect your ballot box) Urging people to vote and to also monitor the handling of procedures

Güneş – Haydi Türkiye, göster kendini (Come on Turkey; do your thing) Giving a message of ‘yes’

HaberTürk – Şimdi söz milletin (The people have the say now)

Hürriyet – Son söz sandıkta (The last say lies with the ballot box)

Hürses – Türkiye bugün sandık başına gidiyor (People of Turkey are going to the ballot boxes today)

İstiklal – Türkiye sandığa gidiyor (People of Turkey go to the ballot boxes)

Karar – Söz milletin (People have the say)

Korkusuz – Emeklinin hali bu (This is the condition that retired people are in) Referring to the difficulties faced by the retired in Turkey

Milat – Haydi sandık başına (Come on, off to the ballot boxes)

Milli Gazete – Sandık başına (Off to the ballot boxes)

Milliyet – Söz sırası millete (It is now the people’s turn to have their say)

Ortadoğu – Söz milletin (The people have the say now)

Posta – Yarın işte bu Türkiye’ye uyanmak istiyoruz (This is the Turkiye we want to wake up in tomorrow) Referring to the desire of unity of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ voters

Sabah – Tek millet, tek bayrak, tek vatan, tek devlet için haydi sandı (Off to the ballot boxes for the sake of one nation, one flag, one homeland, and one state)

Sözcü – Yargı bu adamı ciddiye aldı (The judiciary took this man seriously) Referring to the proseuctor’s handling of a criminal complaint by a citizen who claimed himself to be ‘Allah’s confirmed prophet’

Star – Evet, söz milletin (Yes, the people have the say)

Takvim – Söz milletin (The people have the say)

Türkiye – Evet, artık söz milletin (Yes, the people have the say now)

Vatan – Tercih sizin (It is your choice)

Yeni Asya – Demokrasi için sandık başına (Off to the ballot boxes for the sake of democracy)

Yeni Birlik – Demokrasi günü (The day of democracy)

Yeni Mesaj – Bharara’nın başı dertte (Bharara is in trouble) Referring to the recent legal action taken by a group of lawyers from Turkey against 17 Americans with regards to their alleged connection to FETÖ

Yeni Şafak – Güçlü Türkiye için sandıktayız (We are going to the ballot boxes for a strong Turkey)

Yeniçağ – ABD Kürt koridoruna yerleşiyor (USA is settling in the Kurdish corridor)

Yenisöz – Erdoğan karşıtlığının ardında siyonis lobiler var (Zionists lobbysts are behind the opposition against Erdoğan)

Yurt – Türkiye için hayırlı olsun (May it be for the good of Turkey) Giving a message of ‘no’