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Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - August 30, 2017

BirGün – Akademide partili rektörlük dönemi (An era in academia with members of political parties) Referring to the appointment of rectors by the president and rectors’ pro-AKP political activities in academia

Akit – Arakan’da zulüm soykırıma döndü (Cruelty in Arakan has turned into a genocide)

Akşam – Zıvanadan çıktılar (They have gotten out of control) Referring to the Justice Congress of the main opposition party CHP

Aydınlık – 2019 çağrısı (Call – of head of Vatan Party – for 2019)

Cumhuriyet – Kurtuluşa doğru (Towards emancipation) Referring to August 30 Victory Day.

Diriliş Postası – Alem-i İslam’dan Arakan cevabı bekleniyor (An answer on Arakan is expected from Muslim world)

Evrensel – Eğitime bu kez de sürgün darbesi (A blow on education system, this time with an exile) Referring to massive exile of teachers from Turkey’s southeast and Dersim.

HaberTürk – 30 Ağustos zaferi Cumhuriyet’in mührüdür (August 30 Victory Day is the seal of the Republic)

Hürriyet – Büyük zafer kutlu olsun (May the great Victory be merry)

Milat – Bayram, Kurban, Arakan (Holiday, Eid, and Arakan)

Milliyet İstanbul’da Avrupa farkı (The difference of İstanbul’s European side) Referring to expansion of urbanization in İstanbul’s European side.

Ortadoğu – Arakan’da Müslüman soykırımı (Genocide against Muslims in Arakan)

Posta – 30 Ağustos Destanı (The epic story of August 30 – Victory Day)

Sabah – Külliyenin onur konukları (The honorable guests of the Presidential Palace) Referring to Erdoğan’s invitaiton to the families of martyrs to the ceremony to be held in the Palace on August 30 Victory Day.

Sözcü – 95 yıl önce bugün (95 years ago today) Referring to the 95th anniversary of Victory Day

Star – Merkel’in derdi başka (Merkel’s concern is different) Claiming that the real reason behind the row between Turkey and Germany is Germany’s desire to prevent Turkey from becoming an energy hub.

Türkiye – Gündem Kandil (Topic on the agenda is Qandil) Referring to Erdoğan’s visits to USA and Iran scheduled to take place in September.

Vatan – Atam, nöbetteyiz (Father – Atatürk -, we are on duty!) Referring to the commemoration ceremonies on the August 30 Victory Day.

Yeni BirlikFETÖ’nün MİT korkusu (FETÖ’s fear of MİT)

Yeni Mesaj – Nobel ödüllü katliam (A Nobel awarded massacre in Arakan)

Yeni Şafak – 6 vermediler, 50 geldi (They didn’t give us 6 but we’ve got 50) Referring to Turkey’s request from the US to have 6 trianer F-16 pilots being rejected and Turkey’s new move to meet that demand by making it mandatory for former pilots of the Turkish Armed Forces to return.