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Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - February 13, 2017

13 February 2017, Monday

BirGün – 2010’da FETÖ’cü canilerle beraber ‘evet’ demiştiniz (You said ‘yes’ in 2010 along with the FETÖ villains) Referring to ruling party’s partnership with Gülen movement for 2010 referendum

Akit – Şer odaklarının ‘hayır’ ortaklığı (Partnership of the wicked ones under ‘no’ campaign)

Akşam – Hayırcılar 15 Temmuz’un yanında (The ‘no’ voters are on the side of July 15 coup attempt)

Cumhuriyet – Anket tedirginliği (Worry of AKP over survey results on referendum)

Diriliş Postası – Her ‘evet’ duadır (Each ‘yes’ vote is a prayer) Referring to latest statement of MHP chair

Dünya – Kontrat yenilecek, gaz fiyatları düşecek (Contract will be renewed and natural gas price will decrease)

Evrensel – Susmayın çağrısı (A call for ‘not remaining silent’) Referring to the message of esteemed news anchor İrfan Değirmenci, who has recently been fired for saying ‘no’ to proposed new constitution

HaberTürk – El Bab’dan sonra durmak yok (No stopping after Al-Bab)

Hürriyet – İşte Kuzey Suriye planı (Here is the Northern Syria plan) Referring to latest statement of President Erdoğan on Turkey’s proposal for Northern Syria

Karar – ‘El-Bab’dan sonra durmak yok’ (No stopping after Al-Bab)

Korkusuz – Referandum sonrası zam yağacak (Prices will go up after the referendum)

Milat – Hedefimize ilerliyoruz (We are moving forward towards our goal in Northern Syria)

Milli Gazete – Ülkemize yabancı müfredat (A foreign curriculum in our country) Referring to the draft new curriculum

Milliyet – Enerji satan ülke olacağız (We are going to be a country selling energy)

OrtadoğuTürkiye için ‘evet’ (‘Yes’ for Turkey)

Sabah – Kozmik oda kumpasının içi yüzü (The inside story of the ‘cosmic room’ plot)

Sözcü – Hainler Menbiç’te hendek kazıyor (The viles are digging holes in Manbij) Referring to YPG in Northern Syria

Star – Asıl hedef Rakka ve güvenli bölge (The real goal is Raqqa and a secure zone – in Northern Syria)

Takvim – Menbiç’e de, Rakka’ya da gireceğiz (We are going to enter both Manbij and Raqqa)

Türkiye – Erdoğan: Hayır darbeden yana olmaktır (Erdoğan: Saying ‘no’ means siding with coups)

Vatan – Nefrete yer yok (No place for hatred here) Referring to a meeting of a Jewish family and a Muslim family at protests against Trump’s travel ban

Yeni Asya – Darbe ile mücadele muhalif kıyımına döndü (Fight against coup has turned into mincing of opposition)

Yeni Birlik – PKK parçalandı (PKK is crumbled)

Yeni Mesaj – Tarım dersi (A lesson on agriculture from Russia)

Yeni Şafak – 15 Temmuz’un cevabı 16 Nisan’da verilir (The answer for July 15 will be given on April 16)

Yeniçağ – Satıp savurarak hazırı tükettiler (AKP governments have drained everything by selling them out)

Yenisöz – Cehenneme davet (Invitation to the hell) Referring to claims about pressure on Muslim refugees in Europe to convert to Christianity

Yurt – Asıl hedef Rakka (The actual target is Raqqa)