Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - May 15, 2017
15 May 2017, Monday
BirGün – Yeni müfredata bu kez de kongre ayarı (New curriculum is now postponed to an unknown date after AKP’s upcoming congress)
Akit – YPG ve PYD’ye ihtiyaç yok (There is no need for YPG and PYD)
Akşam – Bu iş artık çok uzadı (This thing has taken too long) Referring to disagreements between Ankara and Washington over decision of US to arm YPG
Anayurt – Diyanet daha insaflı (Religion Affairs Presidency is more fair – about minimum wage)
Cumhuriyet – OHAL’i kaldırın! (End the state of emergency!)
Diriliş Postası – DAEŞ ve PKK, ABD hava üssünü kurmak için anlaşmaya vardı (ISIL and PKK got into an agreement to set up US airbase)
Dünya – Küresel ekonomi take off’ta (Global economy is on a take off)
Evrensel – Üretici için bıçak kemiğe dayandı (Producers can’t bear it anymore) Referring to a recent march of farmers in Turkey
HaberTürk – Erdoğan: Son kararı vereceğiz (Erdoğan: We are going to make a final decision with USA)
Hürriyet – Müttefik değilsek, başımızın çaresine bakarız (If we are not allies, we’ll go on our own way) Referring to disagreements between Ankara and Washington over decision of US to arm YPG
Karar – Öksüz dosyası HSK’ya kaldı (The case of Adil Öksüz left to Council of Judges and Prosecutors)
Milat – PYD’ye ihtiyaç yok (There is no need for PYD)
Milli Gazete – Ayasofya bizimdir, fetih yakındır (Haghia Sophia is ours; the conquest is near)
Milliyet – Tahammül kalmadı (We can’t bear it anymore) Referring to disagreements between Ankara and Washington over decision of US to arm YPG
Ortadoğu – Mehmetçik göz açtırmıyor (Mehmetçik – Turkish soldiers – are cracking down PKK)
Posta – Erdoğan: Başımızın çaresine bakarız (Erdoğan: We’ll go on our own way) Referring to disagreements between Ankara and Washington over decision of US to arm YPG
Sabah – Birlikte karar vereceğiz (Erdoğan: We are going to decide together – with Trump)
Sözcü –Kürşat Yılmaz: FETÖ 2005’te Dink’i öldürmemi istedi (Mafia head Kürşat Yılmaz: FETÖ wanted me to kill Hrant Dink in 2005)
Star – İttifak, ihanet kabul etmez (There can’t be any betrayels between allies) Referring to disagreements between Ankara and Washington over decision of US to arm YPG
Takvim – Türkiye’nin DAEŞ’le mücadele etmediği iddiası yalan, zırva, iftira! (It is a lie, nonsense, and slander to say Turkey has not fought against ISIL)
Türkiye – Erdoğan: ABD, itibarını yok ediyor (Erdoğan: USA is damaging its reputation) Referring to disagreements between Ankara and Washington over decision of US to arm YPG
Vatan – Bu iş artık çok uzadı (This thing has taken too long) Referring to disagreements between Ankara and Washington over decision of US to arm YPG
Yeni Asya – 67 yıllık demokrasi birikimi heder edildi (67 years old democracy has been ruined with referendum)
Yeni Birlik – Dünyanın yeni ipek yolu (The world’s new Silk Road) Referring to recent forum organized in China
Yeni Şafak – Milletin %97’si ABD’yi düşman görüyor (97% of people in Turkey see USA as an enemy) Referring to disagreements between Ankara and Washington over decision of US to arm YPG
Yeniçağ – Kim geri adım atacak? (Who is going to take a step back?) Referring to disagreements between Ankara and Washington over decision of US to arm YPG
Yenisöz – Eceli yaklaşan siyonist terrorist kaşınıyor (Zionist terrorist organization – Israel – beckoning for its end)
Yurt – Utandıran birincilik (A shameful ‘first place’ status) Referring to Turkey being the country with most occupational fatalities in Europe