Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - May 17, 2017

BirGün – Kendisi haricinde herkes denetlenecek (Everyone except for the president will be checked) Referring to extended monitoring authority granted to presidency of the Republic

Akit – ABD ile yeni dönem (New era with the USA) Referring to Erdoğan’s meeting with US President Trump

Akşam – Tarihi mesaj (Historical message) Referring to Erdoğan’s message during the meeting with US President Trump

Anayurt – İstikrar arıyoruz (We are searching for stability) Referring to promises vowed before the referendum

Aydınlık – Ross Wilson: Türk ordusuyla sorunumuz derin (Former ambassador Ross Wilson: Our problem with Turkey’s army runs deep) Referring to statement of Wilson given after the meeting of Erdoğan with Trump

Cumhuriyet – Kılıçdaroğlu: ‘Ne biçim hakimsiniz’ (CHP chair Kılıçdaroğlu: ‘What kind of a judge are you?’) Referring to reaction of main opposition leader to latest court decision, and previous decisions, for the arrest of journalists

Diriliş Postası – Türkiye mi, yoksa PKK/PYD mi? Muhatabını seç, kararını ver ABD! (Turkey or PKK/FETÖ? Make your choice and give your decision, USA!) Referring to Erdoğan’s message during the meeting with US President Trump

Evrensel – Gereği düşünüldü: Basın özgürlüğünün katline (Decreed by the court: Freedom of press sentenced to death) Referring to ongoing arrests of journalists

HaberTürk – Dünya, tarihi zirveyi izledi: Beyaz Saray’da YPG uyarısı (The world watched the historical summit: A warning about YPG at the White House) Referring to Erdoğan’s meeting with US President Trump

Hürriyet – İki net mesaj (Two clear messages) Referring to Erdoğan’s meeting with US President Trump

Karar – Beyaz Saray’da PYD uyarısı (Warning about PYD at the White House) Referring to Erdoğan’s message during the meeting with US President Trump

Korkusuz – Kayıp gençlik (Lost youth) Referring to lates unemployment rates of the youth in the country

Milat – Yıldırım: Köklerini kazırız (PM Yıldırım: ‘We would root out terror’)

Milli Gazete – Devletçiğe uygun adım (March to the system of small states) Referring to claims about western countries’ plan to create smaller states in the Middle East

Milliyet – Trump: ‘İlişkimizi kimse yenemeyecek’ (Nobody will tackle down our relations, says Trump)

Ortadoğu – Son sözü söyledik (We said the final word) Referring to Erdoğan’s message during the meeting with US President Trump

Posta – Gerekeni söyledi (Erdoğan said what is necessary) Referring to Erdoğan’s meeting with US President Trump

Sabah – Erdoğan PYD/YPG konusunda net konuştu: Bölgenin geleceğinde terörün yeri yok (Erdoğan speaks clearly – to Trump – about PYD/YPG: There is no place for terror in the future of the region)

Sözcü – YPG’den desteği çekin, Feto’yu bize iade edin (Stop supporting YPG, extradite Fethullah Gülen) Referring to Erdoğan’s message during the meeting with US President Trump

Star – Erdoğan noktayı koydu: Bölgemizde teröre yer yok (Erdoğan says the last word: There is no place for terror in our region)

Takvim – Üç net mesaj (Three clear messages) Referring to Erdoğan’s message during the meeting with US President Trump

Türkiye – Erdoğan Trump’a son sözünü söyledi: FETÖ’yü ver; PYD’ye desteği çek. Nokta! (Erdoğan says the final word to Trump: Extradite Gülen; stop supporting PYD. Period!) Referring to Erdoğan’s message during the meeting with US President Trump

Vatan – Dönüm noktası (Turning point) Referring to Erdoğan’s meeting with US President Trump

Yeni Asya – Keyfi tutuklamalar korkunç hatalara yol açıyor (Arbitrary detentions are leading to terrible mistakes)

Yeni Birlik – Orta yol arayışı (A search for a middle way) Referring to Erdoğan’s meeting with US President Trump

Yeni Mesaj – Yaşları küçük, sorunları büyük (Their ages are little; their problems are big) Referring to lates unemployment rates of the youth in the country

Yeni Şafak – Yeni dönemin temeli atıldı (The base for the new era has been laid) Referring to Erdoğan’s meeting with US President Trump

Yeniçağ – Beyaz Saray’da sıcak temas (Close contact at the White House) Referring to Erdoğan’s meeting with US President Trump

Yenisöz – Erdoğan noktayı koydu; şeytaniler şaşkın (Erdoğan puts the final word; the devils are shocked) Referring to Erdoğan’s message during the meeting with US President Trump

Yurt – Dışarısı da artık içerisi gibi oldu (Outside of jail now feels like inside it) Referring to main opposition leader’s latest statements