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Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - May 22, 2017

BirGün – Yazacak yeni hikayeleri yok (They – AKP – have no new stories to write) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Akit – İkinci Erdoğan dönemi (Erdoğan’s second era) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Akşam – Kaptan dümende (The captain is steering again) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Anayurt – Cumhurbaşkanı genel başkan (The president is now also the chair of AKP) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Aydınlık – İlk tasfiye A takımına (The first discharge is on FETÖ) Referring to new members of AKP’s executive board

Cumhuriyet – Tek adamlığa tescil (Confirmation of the one-man system) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Diriliş Postası – Diriliş kongresi (The convention of resurrection) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Evrensel – Onaylamadığımız TİS imzalanamaz (Workers of ŞİŞECAM: A collective labor contract that we don’t approve cannot be signed)

HaberTürk – Yeni dönem (New era) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Hürriyet – Siyasette yeni dönem başladı: Resmen parti lideri (New era in politics starts: Erdoğan is officially leader of his party)

Karar – Yeni dönemde öteki olmayacak (There won’t be any ‘discrimination’ in the new era) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Milat – Yeniden diriliş (New resurrection) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Milli Gazete – Emek küçüldü (Retiree’s income shrinks)

Milliyet – İlk hedef 2019 (First goal is 2019) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Ortadoğu – AKP’de Erdoğan dönemi (The times of Erdoğan in AKP)

Posta – Tarihi dönüş (Historical return) Referring to Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Sabah – ‘Demokrasinin teminatı, reformların adresiyiz’ (Erdoğan: We – AKP – are the assurance for democracy; the address for reforms)

Sözcü – Sözcü’yü FETÖ’cülükle suçlayanlar cevap versin (Those accusing Sözcü with being pro-FETÖ should give an answer)

Star – Nerede kalmıştık? (So, what were we saying?) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Takvim – Erdoğan: 80 milyonun hizmetkarıyız (Erdoğan: We – AKP – are the servants of the 80 million people in Turkey)

Türkiye – Erdoğan: Bu yoldan dönüş yok (Erdoğan: There is no turning back on this path) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Vatan – Nerede kalmıştık? (So, what were we saying?) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Yeni Asya – Selimiye Ramazan’a hazır (Selimiye Mosque is ready for Ramadan)

Yeni Birlik – Nerede kalmıştık? (So, what were we saying?) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Yeni Mesaj – BOP’da yeni aşama (New stage in the Greater Middle East Initiative) Referring to Trump’s visit in the Middle East

Yeni Şafak – Evet, nerede kalmıştık? (So, what were we saying?) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Yeniçağ – AKP kongresinde Bahçeli sürprizi (Surprise of MHP chair Bahçeli at AKP’s convention) Referring to MHP’s party meetings on the day of AKP convention

Yenisöz – Ayrılık bitti, 998 gün sonra vuslat (Separation is over; ultimate reunion after 998 days) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again

Yurt – Erdoğan tek adam (Erdoğan is the one-man) Referring to President Erdoğan’s election as his party leader again