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Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - May 8, 2017

BirGün – 2019 illüzyonundan kurtulmamız gerek (We need to overcome the illusion over 2019) Referring to disputes among members of main opposition party CHP

Akit CHP paramparça (CHP is shattered to pieces)

Akşam – Yıldırım: Huzur içindeyim (PM Yıldırım: ‘I am content’) Referring to shift to presidential system in the country

Anayurt – Pes doğrusu (That beats all) Referring to disputes within main opposition party CHP

Aydınlık – Terörüsler (Terror-bases) Referring to latest claims about US contact with YPG

Cumhuriyet – Kaos talimatı Saray’dan geldi (The order for chaos in CHP was given from Presidential Palaca)

Diriliş Postası – Delege operasyonuna ‘Hayır’ (‘No’ to an operation of a delegation) Referring to disputes within main opposition party CHP

Dünya – Yıldırım: Seçim değil geçim zamanı (PM: It’s not the time for elections, it’s time for working on economy)

Evrensel – Başkan adayı değil mücadele tartışılmalı (Not the candidates but the fight should be discussed) Referring to recent arguments within main opposition party CHP

HaberTürkAB’ye Fransız öpücüğü (A French kiss to EU)

Hürriyet – Yıldırım: Bir görevi tamamladım, huzurluyum (PM Yıldırım: I’ve completed a task; I’m content) Referring to shift to a presidential system in the country

KararRamazan sonrası ‘bir gece ansızın’ (‘One night, all of a sudden’ after Ramadan) Signaling possibility of an attack by Turkey against YPG after Ramadan

Korkusuz – Çoban şampiyonlar (Shepherd champions) Referring to success stories of young village girls

Milat – Yıldırım: Görevimi yaptım, huzur içindeyim (PM Yıldırım: I’ve completed my task; I’m content) Referring to shift to presidential system

Milli GazeteABD oradaysa gerçek burada (If US is there, here is the truth) Referring to latest claims about US involvement with YPG

Milliyet – ‘Yok olma’ operasyonu (Operation against the ‘vanishing ones’) Referring to new claims about supporters of Fethullah Gülen

Ortadoğu – Bahçeli: Üzerimize düşeni yapacağız (MHP chair: We’re going to do what we need to)

Posta – Başkan terörü (Terror by president – of Fenerbahçe club) Referring to head of Fenerbahçe sports club who smacked head of Yakın Doğu University

Sabah – CHP’de hiziplerin iktidar savaşı (The fight of fractions in CHP for power)

Sözcü – Eyy Trump, n’oluyo! (Hey Trump, what’s going on?) Referring to latest claims about US involvement with YPG in Northern Syria

StarFETÖ ekibinde 3 kritik savcı (3 critical prosecutors in FETÖ)

Takvim – C salonunda yumruk yumruğa (Fist fight at Room C) Claiming that CHP members had a physical fight on the night of the referendum

Türkiye – Parola: Birlik (Motto is unity) Referring to AKP’s upcoming convention

Vatan – Gençlikten umutluyum (Erdoğan: I’m hopeful of the youth)

Yeni Asya – Türkiye Kudüs’e ilgisiz kalamaz (Turkey cannot turn a hair about Jerusalem)

Yeni Birlik – Pentagon PKK için Trump’ı zorluyor (Pentagon is pushing Trump about PKK)

Yeni Mesaj – Adı konmayan yaptırım (An unnamed sanction) Referring to decline in Turkey’s automotive sector

Yeni Şafak – ABD elçisi ile görüşüp istifa etti (CHP MP Böke resigned after talking to US ambassador)

Yeni SözRusya, Esed ve PKK’dan Türkiye sınırında sinsi plan (Sneaky plan of Russia, Asad and PKK over Turkey’s border)

Yeniçağ – İlk görüşme tamam (The first contact – between military officers of Turkey and US – is completed)

Yurt – Öteki İstanbul (The other side of İstanbul) Referring to the neighborhoods in İstanbul where a large number of immigrants and refugees from various countries live