Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - May 8, 2017

BirGün – 2019 illüzyonundan kurtulmamız gerek (We need to overcome the illusion over 2019) Referring to disputes among members of main opposition party CHP

Akit – CHP paramparça (CHP is shattered to pieces)

Akşam – Yıldırım: Huzur içindeyim (PM Yıldırım: ‘I am content’) Referring to shift to presidential system in the country

Anayurt – Pes doğrusu (That beats all) Referring to disputes within main opposition party CHP

Aydınlık – Terörüsler (Terror-bases) Referring to latest claims about US contact with YPG

Cumhuriyet – Kaos talimatı Saray’dan geldi (The order for chaos in CHP was given from Presidential Palaca)

Diriliş Postası – Delege operasyonuna ‘Hayır’ (‘No’ to an operation of a delegation) Referring to disputes within main opposition party CHP

Dünya – Yıldırım: Seçim değil geçim zamanı (PM: It’s not the time for elections, it’s time for working on economy)

Evrensel – Başkan adayı değil mücadele tartışılmalı (Not the candidates but the fight should be discussed) Referring to recent arguments within main opposition party CHP

HaberTürk – AB’ye Fransız öpücüğü (A French kiss to EU)

Hürriyet – Yıldırım: Bir görevi tamamladım, huzurluyum (PM Yıldırım: I’ve completed a task; I’m content) Referring to shift to a presidential system in the country

Karar – Ramazan sonrası ‘bir gece ansızın’ (‘One night, all of a sudden’ after Ramadan) Signaling possibility of an attack by Turkey against YPG after Ramadan

Korkusuz – Çoban şampiyonlar (Shepherd champions) Referring to success stories of young village girls

Milat – Yıldırım: Görevimi yaptım, huzur içindeyim (PM Yıldırım: I’ve completed my task; I’m content) Referring to shift to presidential system

Milli Gazete – ABD oradaysa gerçek burada (If US is there, here is the truth) Referring to latest claims about US involvement with YPG

Milliyet – ‘Yok olma’ operasyonu (Operation against the ‘vanishing ones’) Referring to new claims about supporters of Fethullah Gülen

Ortadoğu – Bahçeli: Üzerimize düşeni yapacağız (MHP chair: We’re going to do what we need to)

Posta – Başkan terörü (Terror by president – of Fenerbahçe club) Referring to head of Fenerbahçe sports club who smacked head of Yakın Doğu University

Sabah – CHP’de hiziplerin iktidar savaşı (The fight of fractions in CHP for power)

Sözcü – Eyy Trump, n’oluyo! (Hey Trump, what’s going on?) Referring to latest claims about US involvement with YPG in Northern Syria

Star – FETÖ ekibinde 3 kritik savcı (3 critical prosecutors in FETÖ)

Takvim – C salonunda yumruk yumruğa (Fist fight at Room C) Claiming that CHP members had a physical fight on the night of the referendum

Türkiye – Parola: Birlik (Motto is unity) Referring to AKP’s upcoming convention

Vatan – Gençlikten umutluyum (Erdoğan: I’m hopeful of the youth)

Yeni Asya – Türkiye Kudüs’e ilgisiz kalamaz (Turkey cannot turn a hair about Jerusalem)

Yeni Birlik – Pentagon PKK için Trump’ı zorluyor (Pentagon is pushing Trump about PKK)

Yeni Mesaj – Adı konmayan yaptırım (An unnamed sanction) Referring to decline in Turkey’s automotive sector

Yeni Şafak – ABD elçisi ile görüşüp istifa etti (CHP MP Böke resigned after talking to US ambassador)

Yeni Söz – Rusya, Esed ve PKK’dan Türkiye sınırında sinsi plan (Sneaky plan of Russia, Asad and PKK over Turkey’s border)

Yeniçağ – İlk görüşme tamam (The first contact – between military officers of Turkey and US – is completed)

Yurt – Öteki İstanbul (The other side of İstanbul) Referring to the neighborhoods in İstanbul where a large number of immigrants and refugees from various countries live