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Frontpage headlines from newspapers in Turkey

8 August 2016, Monday

BirGün – 1 Kasım genel seçimlerinden 15 Temmuz başarısız darbe girişimine: İşte size istikrar!

(From November 1 elections to July 15 coup attempt: Here is ‘stability’ for you!)

Akit Millet kıyamda (The nation is uprising)

Akşam – Bu büyük milleti yıkamazsınız! (You cannot demolish this great nation!)

Anayurt – Batının sessizliği bağışlanamaz (The silence of the west cannot be forgiven)

Bugün – Closed down with a decree under state of emergency

Cumhuriyet – Eksik democracy: mitingde HDP yoktu, asker vardı (Partial democracy: HDP was not at the meeting; military was)

Diriliş Postası – Gazan mübarek olsun Türkiye! (May your holy war be blessed Turkey!)

Dünya – Elektriğe, ucuz tarifeyle erişim şimdi mümkün (It is now possible to get electricity with cheap rates)

Evrensel – Birlik olmanın tam zamanı (It’s right about time to get united) [Referring to the unity of the laborforce]

Güneş – Millet-Devlet, 79 milyon tek yürek: diriliş günü (Nation-State, 79 million in full unity: day of resurrection)

HaberTürk – Tek millet! (One nation!)

Hürriyet – Benim güzel ülkem! (My beautiful country!)

Karar – Yenikapı ruhu (Spirit of Yenikapı)

Korkusuz – İşte millet bu! (Now, this is the nation here!)

MeydanClosed down with a decree under state of emergency

Milat – Milletin gücü (The power of the nation)

Milli Gazete – Dostlar sevinsin, düşmanlar üzülsün (Let friends get happy; let enemies get sad)

Milliyet – Yeni Türkiye doğuyor (New Turkey is being born)

Ortadoğu – Milyonlar Yenikapı’da buluştu; Türkiye tek yürek (Millions gathered at Yenikapı: Turkey is in full unity)

Özgür DüşünceClosed down with a decree under state of emergency

Özgür Gündem – Diktatörlüğün yeni kapısı! (The new gate of dictatorship)

Posta – Çok büyüksün Türkiye’m! (You are very great my Turkey!)

Sabah – Yeni Türkiye’nin diriliş destanı (The resurrection epic of new Turkey)

Sözcü – İşte tek millet, tek bayrak (Here is one nation, one flag)

Star – İşte millet ruhu (Here is the national spirit)

Takvim – Bölünmedik, birleştik; korkmadık, devleştik (We did not get seperated, we got united; we did not fear, we became a giant)

Taraf Closed down with a decree under state of emergency

Vahdet – Yeni kapı; yeni Türkiye (New gate; new Turkey)

Vatan – Düşmanlar kahroldu! (Enemies got distressed!)

Yeni Asya – Kurunun yanında bir tane bile yaş yanmamalı! (The baby must not be thrown out with the bathwater!)

Yeni Birlik – Tek millet, tek devlet, tek bayrak: işte Türkiye! (One nation, one state, one flag: here is Turkey!)

Yeni Mesaj – Erdoğan: ‘Omuz omuza verme zamanı’ (Erdoğan: ‘It is time to stand shoulder to shoulder)

Yeni Şafak – Türkiye meydan okudu: gazamız mübarek olsun! (Turkey has outfaced: may our holy war be blessed!)

Yeniçağ Demokrasi ve şehitler için tek yürek (In full unity for democracy and for the martyrs)

Yurt – Demokrasi kazandı (Democracy has won)

ZamanClosed down with a decree under state of emergency