Turkey’s HDP to join the final meeting of Justice March in İstanbul

Earlier on Thursday, Turkey’s second largest opposition party HDP (People’s Democratic Party) released a written statement supporting the Justice March and the final rally scheduled to take place in Maltepe district of İstanbul tomorrow (July 9).

According to reports of DİHA, HDP will also be joining the meeting in Maltepe with the slogan of ‘Justice for Everyone’.

‘We believe that all of the people of this country with conscious and reason; all political parties and civil society institutions; and, all unions and democracy forces hold the common view that initiatives for justice, democracy, equality, peace, and freedoms are urgently needed in our country. It is an indispensible obligation for us today to grow and strengthen the fight for democracy on grounds that are in line with universal human rights and freedom; rule of law; and international agreements’, the statement said.

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/hdp-den-adalet-mitingi-aciklamasi-168622.html