AKP MP: ‘US consulate in Turkey should be searched because fugitive coup suspect may be there’

In a recent interview with Turkey’s pro-government Akşam newspaper, AKP MP Şamil Tayyar claimed that ‘US consulate in Turkey should be searched because the fugitive coup suspect Adil Öksüz might be in hiding there.’

Stating the ‘method followed in purge of FETÖ supporters was not a healthy method’ since the government first tried to clear off the institutions rather than the high-ranked offices, Tayyar also said the coup attempt of July 15th was an operation of NATO.
“NATO primarily used FETÖ members but among them are also seculars and NATO supporters. And their common enemy is Erdoğan. FETÖ supporters have been wiped out of the state in a great part but the seculars and NATO supporters are still there”, said Tayyar and added: “Let’s call them Kemalists: they are also a risk for our democracy. Because, I am not saying all of them but a part of them have their ropes held by the hands of NATO, I suspect…”

Mentioning the possible scenerios regarding the whereabouts of fugitive prime suspect Adil Öksüz, Tayyar said: “Firstly, he might have been killed. Secondly, he might have been taken abroad in hiding. And, thirdly, he could be in hiding at a safe haven in Turkey. And, when we ask about where that safe place could be, we could say that it could be a consulate... There was a reference to a contact with the American consulate. It would be good if there was a chance to search the American consulate... This is a possibility. There are suspicions about it. It would not be a bad idea to search the American consulate In order to end these suspcisions...”

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/akp-den-abd-konsoloslugu-icin-arama-talebi-161644.html

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