Call from opposition in Turkey to authorities: 'Free Nuriye and Semih!'

MP from Turkey’s main opposition CHP, Mehmet Tüm, made a call to the president, prime minister, and the justice minister on the 131st day of the two dismissed and jailed educators’ hunger strike.

Talking at the parliament before the other lawmakers on Tuesday (July 18), MP Tüm emphasized that the purpose behind the strike of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça is not to die but to be freed and returned to their jobs.

Tüm mentioned that though their health condition has reached a critical point, Gülmen and Özakça are determined to continue with their strike since they are ‘still hopeful that they will eventually get their job and freedom back.’

“I call on to your conscious, my friends! If Nuriye and Semih die, our conscious dies; belief in justice dies; and, humanity dies, along with them... Let’s let Nuriey and Semih live! Please, take the necessary steps for them urgently. Let’s make them live so that humanity can live!”


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