Chair of Turkey’s main opposition party announces decision to ‘march for justice’

Giving statements on CNN Türk on Wednesday (June 14) evening, chair of Turkey’s main opposition party, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, said the ‘judge who gave the decision for the arrest of CHP MP Enis Berberoğlu is taking orders from the president.’

Kılıçdaroğlu highlighted that President Erdoğan had reacted in anger to the report of Cumhuriyet newspaper on MİT trucks and he said that Erdoğan is now ‘trying to take revenge’.

Saying that ‘reporting cannot be considered as a crime’, Kılıçdaroğlu said that AKP officials are ‘afraid of being tried.’
Earlier in the evening after the emergency meeting of his party, Kılıçdaroğlu had announced that he was going to start a ‘Justice March’ on Thursday (June 15) morning at 11:00 at Güvenpark in Ankara.

Repeating his decision to march, Kılıçdaroğlu said on CNN Türk: ‘I am going to walk from Ankara’s Güvenpark to İstanbul’s Maltepe prison. I am going to walk until justice is brought!’

Asked about the dismissed academicians who were arrested on the 76th day of their hunger strike, Kılıçdaroğlu replied: “The name of my march is ‘justice.’ So, it involves everyone who has been subjected to injustice.”


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