Disputed articles on olive trees in Turkey taken off from draft bill amid objections

Articles of a recent Production Reform Package in Turkey allowing investments in and around olive tree gardens have been withdrawn amid major reactions both from the public and the representatives of the opposition groups.

Having been withdrawn from the parliament floor several times before, the related articles were once again the subject of arguments.

In the face of objections, opposition parties CHP and MHP, as well as, the representatives of ruling party AKP jointly decided for the articles to be completely taken off from the current draft bill on production reform.

Giving statements about it, the Minister of Science, Industry, and Technology, Faruk Özlü, said the articles at stake ‘might very well come back to the floor 17-20 times more if the needs for industrial zones are not met through alternative ways.’

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/zeytinlik-yasa-tasarisi-geri-cekildi-164460.html

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