Dream of a 6th grader at İmam-Hatip in Turkey: 'To be the president and bring death penalty'

First semester of the 2016-2017 academic year in Turkey ends today (January 20). Visiting an İmam-Hatip school (public school with an Islamic curriculum) in İstanbul’s Ümraniye district, CNN Türk reporter Zeynep Karamustafa talks to students on the day when they receive their report cards.

As Karamustafa asks a child in the age of around 12 about what she would like to do when she grows up, to her surprise, she says she ‘wants to be the president and bring death penalty to Turkey.’

As she says: “I want to be the president. My goal is high and it will get greater step by step,” reporter Karamustafa asks her: “Where do you want to start off in politics?”

The little girl responds: “I want to start off as a village head. Then, I’ll be the head of municipality; then, parliamentarian; then, minister; then, prime minister; then, the president.” When asked about what she would do as a president, she says: “I will change the constitution. Because of the coup plotters, we have too many problems. So, I will bring about death penalty. And, even if the constitution does not get applied retropectively, I will make it applied.”

CNN Türk reporter ends the conversation by saying ‘her age is little but her dreams are big.’

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/imam-hatip-ogrencisi-cumhurbaskani-olup-idami-getiricem-143838.html

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