Head of Turkey's student placement center resigns after miscalculation of exam scores

On Monday (August21), Head of the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) of Turkey, Ömer Demir, announced his decision to resign from his position after a mistake of the institution in calculation of the candidates’ scores of college placement exam.

Earlier in August, the institution had released an apology for the mistake that had caused 1499 candidates to lose eligibility for enrollment. 1628 applicants who had previously been announced to have not earned the right to be enrolled have obtained eligibility with the correction of the mistake.

Today, the head of the Center gave a statement explaining the reason for his resignation.

“I have today submitted my desire to leave my duty in order to for ÖSYM to no longer be the subject of a dispute which came about as a result of an unintentional carelessness of the related staff”, Demir said.

When answering questions, Demir asserted there is no doubt that ‘the mistake was an oversight’.

Earlier in July, ÖSYM had also released an apology for the miscalculation of the scores in the previous round of the exam.

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/osym-baskani-omer-demir-istifa-etti-175774.html

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