Human rights advocates in Turkey demand perpetrators of Roboski massacre to be brought to justice


Members of Justice and Truth Commission of İstanbul branch of Turkey’s Human Rights Association (İHD) held a ceremony in commemoration of victims of Roboski massacre on its 5th anniversary.

Flying black baloons in the air with names of the 34 victims of Roboski massacre written on them, human rights advocates and activists emphasized that they would continue seeking justice until the perpetrators of the Roboski massacre are brought to justice...

Holding up the photographs of the 34 people who lost their lives in the massacre, demonstrators also held a 5 minutes moment of silence, reffering to it as ‘the scream of the silence’.

Head of the commission Mine Nazari read the group’s press release. In the statement, it was reminded that the perpetrators of the massacre, where 34 people – mostly children – were slaughtered on 28 December 2011 as a result of bombardment from warplanes of Turkish Armed Forces in the region of Uludere.

Nazari said: “All officials and institutions of the state of Republic of Turkey have absolved themselves from this crime… They have got away with it by using their political, military, and bureaucratic powers… And, they continue to run away from it.”

Also mentioning that president of Roboski Association Veli Encü and 5 people who are members of the victims’ families were taken into custody in an operation where their houses were raided in the middle of the night.

Emphasizing ‘peace is the only way’ out for solving not only the case of Roboski but the Kurdish question in particular, Nazari added: “As human rights advocates, we are not going to stop seeking justice even for a minute. We greet the struggle and fight of the people of Roboski with respect.”


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