Parliamentary question on Turkey's AKP officials' connection with 'troll' accounts

İzmir MP from Turkey’s People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Müslüm Doğan submitted a parliamentary question asking about Minister of Environment and Urbanization Mehmet Özhaseki’s tweets from last week, where a message was apparently shared from his personal account instead of another account.

In the message shared from Minister Özhaseki’s account after the deadly bomb attack in Kayseri, it was said: “My siblings, don’t be an instrument for PKK. Drop the double-speak! We won’t let them eat up @mehmetozhaseki.”

The exact same message was also shared form another twitter account with the name of RTE Gönüllüsü (Lover of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan). Later, both tweets were erased.

Bringing this up at the Parliament, HDP MP Doğan asked the following questions:

Were these tweets posted by Minsiter Özhaseki?

If they were indeed posted by Minister Özhaseki, why didn’t he feel any responsibility to make a statement about it? And, why were they both erased?

How many Twitter account has the Minister been using?

Who is using the Twitter account that has the name of ‘@RTE_Gonullusu’?

Is RTE_Gonullusu being used by Minister Özhaseki?

Is the account of the Minister, @mehmetozhaseki, being managed by an agency or an individual, commonly referred as a ‘troll’?

What kind of a relation does the Minister have with social media accounts that launch defamation campaigns and try to trigger conflict among members of the society especially after major incidents?

Why isn’t there any legal action taken against thousands of social media accounts through which their users threaten, assault, and breach others’ privacy rights? Is it because some of these kinds of troll accounts are being utilized and protected by ministries or other official posts?

How is the content of such fraudulent accounts arranged? How could they have access to information and images that only security forces can obtain?

How do the users of these accounts manage to find personal information about the individuals they target? Which institutions provide these accounts the flow of information?

What kind of a connection is there between these accounts and their targets, who usually get taken into custody after being targeted by these troll accounts? Are the ministries or other state institutions involved in this?


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