Speaker of Turkey’s Parliament replaces HDP MP and Deputy Speaker Buldan with an AKP MP

Speaker of Turkey’s Grand National Assembly İsmail Kahraman has appointed, with a last minute decision, AKP Adıyaman MP Ahmet Aydın in place of HDP İstanbul MP and Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Pervin Buldan.

According to the reports of Damla Uğantaş from T24, MP Buldan informed the public about the Speaker’s decision from her Twitter account by emphasizing that the decision has been given right before the discussions on the scandalous child marriage and child abuse bill which are scheduled to take place at the Parliament today. MP Buldan was going to lead and moderate the discussions and voting as the Deputy Speaker; however, that duty has now been assigned to an AKP MP by Speaker Kahraman.

Buldan said the following in her message yesterday (November 21): “Since the voting on the ‘rape bill’ will be held tomorrow, my right to lead the General Assembly has been taken away by the Speaker of the Parliament and assigned to Ahmet Aydın.”

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/cinsel-istismar-oylamasi-oncesinde-hdp-li-baskanvekili-buldan-in-oturumu-yonetme-yetkisi-elinden-alindi-136567.html

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