Suspension of Peace Academics at Turkey's Dokuz Eylül University protested

Democratic civil society institutions in Turkey started a protest against the rector’s office of Dokuz Eylül University for the decision of the officials to suspend 13 Peace Academics from the university.

The protesting groups will be leaving a black wreath in front of the rector’s office building every day, the report of Evrensel said.
Speaking on behalf of the groups on Monday (July 3), spokesperson from İzmir branch of KESK (Confederation of Public Employees’ Unions), Mustafa Güven, criticized the ongoing pressure of the government on academics with an opposing view and violation of freedom of expression and demanded the university management to reinstate the suspended faculty members.
‘Those who are carrying out these suspensions and dismissals will walk through history as dark spots’, Güven said.

While thousands of academics in Turkey have been either suspended or dismissed in scope of the AKP government’s state of emergency orders in response to the failed coup of last summer, Peace Academics – hundreds of academicians who had signed a peace petition calling the government to stop destructive operations against the Kurdish towns in the country’s southeast – have especially been targetted in the wide-spread witch-hunt of the administration.


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