Testimony of former Gülenist from Turkey's judiciary: '120 of 160 members were Gülenist'

Former member of HSYK (Supreme Council of Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey) Kerim Tosun was arrested in scope of FETÖ investigations following the coup attempt and later released in reference to Turkey’s ‘effective remorse laws’. In his testimony, Tosun claimed that 120 of the 160 members of Yargıtay (Court of Cassation) selected in 2010 were members of the Cemaat (Gülen community).

According to reports of Mesut Hasan Benli from Hürriyet newspaper, Tosun also admitted that he had been a member of the Gülen community since his fourth year in college.

‘120 of newly elected Yargıtay members were from Cemaat’

"...Part of the testimony of Tosun is as follows: “…I was then assigned to Datça. During that time, Cemaat had stopped its activities because of incidents of February 28. In 2011, I came to Yargıtay. 25 more members of the Cemaat took on duty that time along with me… I know that a group was formed for the Yargıtay elections of February 2011. This group was to designate the 160 members to be selected for Yargıtay… I know that 120 of these 160 members ended up being elected among Cemaat members…"

‘An action plan was prepared by Cemaat’

“…I did not know previously that these people were members of the Cemaat. However, as an action plan was prepared by Cemaat, I also found out that they were also members. About 1 or 2 months later, we gathered in the house of Muharrem Karayol. Karayol was the group leader for the Yargıtay members of the penal courts. The person who was the leader in my group was Turgut Emiroğlu. I realized during that meeting that they had seperated the groups as penal courts and civil chambers...”

‘We used to give 10% of our income to Cemaat’

“…We began giving 10% of our monthly income to Cemaat. The meetings where our ‘communions’ were held started to take place in the house of team leader Turgut Emiroğlu. During these meetings, it was also being required for important documents from our offices (from Yargıtay) to be copied and submitted to Turgut Emiroğlu. Turgut Emiroğlu used to take out a previously written note and read it out to us at these meetings. These notes used to be about who to vote for during the elections in Yargıtay and how to proceed. Turgut Emiroğlu used to give us directives that he would get from his masters. So, it is true that there used to be instructions given in regards to some of the files handled in our chambers.”

‘Cemaat members were given roles in chambers’

“Which member was to take role in which chamber was determined with the command of Cemaat. While this designation was being planned, it was designed in a way that would ensure members of Cemaat to have the majority in the chambers and courts..."

‘İlyas Şahin was the head İmam of all members in judiciary’

“...Aydın Boşgelmez told me that they had taken the decision as a group formed by him, Hüseyin Yıldırım, Nazmi Dere, Selahattin Atalay, and Önder Aytaç. I also heard at that time that this council included not only Yargıtay members but also some members from Danıştay (Council of State). So, I know that this is why İlyas Şahin was the head İmam responsible for all judicial body including both Yargıtay and Danıştay members.”

‘Instructions with regards to Karamehmet came from USA’

“…Among the cases I remember, there was the file of Mehmet Emin Karamehmet, who had had a ban to leave the country… When the file was forwarded to our division, Emiroğlu told me: ‘Brother Kartal says hello. In this file, there is a decision for Mehmet Emin Karamehmet to leave the country. Let’s get rid of that verdict.’ Emiroğlu also told me that order had been given from the USA. I asked Turgut Emiroğlu who was the person named Kartal and he told me he was our Yargıtay member at 11th Penal Division İlyas Şahin...”

‘We were told to revert the decisions made about our Cemaat members’

“After having been elected as a member of HSYK, Nazmi Dere told us: ‘In cases such that Cemaat is concerned about – such as Balyoz, Ergenekon, military espionage, MİT trucks, etc – revert the decisions that would be against our judges and prosecutors from Cemaat. We should not leave our friends offended. You can decide as you wish about judges and prosecutors not involved with Cemaat.’ We understood and knew that this request of Nazmi Dere was the directive of the Fethullah Gülen community. And, we reflected this on our decisions.”

‘I know that it was Gülen’s directive for Cemaat members to seize control’

“When I had first joined the Cemaat, there was no directive to seize control in institutions. However, I know that Fethullah Gülen had given a directive for Cemaat members to take roles in these institutions to seize control. And, Cemaat members had begun working at these institutions after this directive...”

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/etkin-pismanliktan-serbest-kalan-hsyk-uyesi-160-uyeden-120-si-cemaatciydi-135783.html

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