Turkey’s elections board rejects all objections to referendum results

After causing a crisis with its decision taken, with a request of an AKP member, on the day of the referendum to render ‘unstamped ballot papers’ valid, Turkey’s Supreme Board of Elections (YSK) have rejected all official objections submitted to the Board by opposition parties.

In an official statement released in the late evening hours of April 19th, YSK said ‘the objections of CHP, HDP, and Vatan Party were each discussed and decided on separately during the meeting of YSK on Wednesday morning (April 19) and with support of 10 members (and 1 opposing view), the Board decided to reject the request of the parties for the referendum to be annulled.’

While the statement of the Board did not include any further explanation, a separate announcement was released on the same website around the same time, giving reference to a previous decision of the board. The decision taken by YSK as precedent over the current decision to render unstamped ballots as valid stated that ‘mistakes made by polling officers could not solely be considered as a reason to call the polling off.’

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/ysk-itirazlari-reddetti-156186.html

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