Turkey's main opposition party CHP to request annulment of referendum

Turkey’s main opposition party CHP (Republican People’s Party) will hold a meeting today (April 18) with the head of Supreme Board of Elections (YSK), Sadi Güven, to request annulment of the referendum on constitutional changes due to unlawful decision of the YSK to count unstamped ballot papers as valid.

CHP’s deputy chair Erdal Aksünger said: “There are reports from more than 10 schools (polling sites) listing cases of infringement during the polling process. Violations of rules were observed in 10900 sites out of 57000. The issue has reached a totally different level now. This is beyond personal complaints. People will also surely submit their complaints; they have the right to do so. Everybody would use their right to object...”

The decision of YSK, which is against the current law, was announced on the day of the referendum, April 16. Both CHP and HDP, along with numerous civil society groups, have stated their objections to the decision, considering it as a cause for the referendum to be annulled.

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/chp-ysk-baskani-na-gidiyor-155913.html

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