A meeting 'against the Sultanate' held in Turkey's capital Ankara

United Haziran Movement has organized a ‘No to the Sultanate’ meeting in Ankara.

As the debates over shifting Turkey’s system to that of a presidential one are sped up, United Haziran Movement held a meeting with the message of ‘No to the Sultanate: this country is not abandoned!’ With the attendance of hundreds of members and supporters, the meeting was held at the Nazım Hikmet Culture Center of Ankara today (December 3).
Among the participants and speakers were CHP İstanbul MP Onursal Adıgüzel, ÖDP (Freedom and Solidarity Party) Executive Member Alper Taş, TMMOB (Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) President Emin Koramaz, and TMMOB members Kaya Güvenç, Serpil Güvenç, Hayri Kozanoğlu, Metin Çulhaoğlu, Beyazıt İlhan, and Mehmet Soğancı.

‘This country and our children are not abandoned!’

Speaking on behalf of the Haziran Movement, college student Gizem Gül Külekçi said ‘This country and our children are not abandoned!’ Emphasizing that the ‘destiny of Turkey is not going to be given to the hands of a single man’ Kürekçi added the following: “If we had not resisted, they would have passed the bill that was to grant immunity from punishment to the rapists of children. The same mindset has burnt our children in Aladağ... They (the government officials) have covered up poverty by deepening bigotry. They have killed children; and, they raped children in Ensar and covered that up with faith and religion, too. They kill women; on the streets and at home, women are subjected to violence. And, they have ruined the economy. They sold factories in the name of privatization. They have turned our country, a country of agriculture, into a country that is in need of imported food. They have ruled the country just by themselves for 14 years. And, they have not allowed people live even a single good day. But it is enough! We are not going to let our future depend on the words of a single man. This is all about the eagerness of a person that dreams about a sultanate at the palace: he cannot determine the future of Turkey. This country is not abandoned. This country is bigger than those dreaming of a sultanate. This country has the progressive and revolutionary means that is capable of dissappoint those with dreams of becoming the single head in this country. For the days of freedom and labor where there will be no days passed under exploitation and no night passed in hunger, we are going to build the Turkey of HAZİRAN.”

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/saltanata-hayir-diyenler-ankara-da-bulustu-138047.html

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