Families of the victims of October 10 Massacre assaulted by the police

BirGün / Ankara

After the calls of President Erdoğan, PM Yıldırım and imams (from mosques’ speakers) for people to come out to the streets during the coup attempt of Friday, July 15th, masses had gathered at squares. A group among the masses had attacked and damaged the monument of October 10 Massacre in Ankara. The families of the victims of the massacre who gathered in front of the monument on the following day to protest the attacks towards it were assaulted. A chief police trying to punch the families yelled out: ‘Get the f… out of here.’

Families of the victims who lost their lives in a suicide bomb attack by ISIL on 10 October 2015 Peace and Democracy meeting gathered in front of Ankara train station to protest the battering of the monument. Claiming that they cannot let the families gather in front of the monument because of the armed clashes taking place at Ankara Courthouse nearby, the police attacked and assaulted the families. Families had to leave the site without.

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