Over 43K reports on child abuse in Turkey published in media in 5 months

A serious increase in media reports on child sexual abuse in Turkey has been reflecting the dire need of addressing the devastating issue in a much more effective manner.

According to latest data shared by the Media Monitoring Center of Turkey, in the first 5 months of 2017, 182 children were reported in to have been sexually abused.

The Center also noted that social media posts about the issue have also peaked. The total number of messages posted or shared by people to express their concern and reaction amounted to 25249 just within the past week.

Between the months of January-May of 2017, a total of 43716 news articles on the issue were published in sources in print and online.

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/egitim-sen-5-ayda-182-cocuk-cinsel-istismara-maruz-kaldi-164239.html

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