Police attack lawyers in front of İzmir courthouse: 25 lawyers taken into custody

Vice President of ÇHD (Progressive Lawyers Association) and a member of ÖDP (Freedom and Solidarity Party) Münip Ermiş and other lawyers who are members of ÇHD had been taken into custody a few days back in Antalya in scope of FETÖ/PDY investigations.

Today (September 9), a group of lawyers, trying to read a press release in front of İzmir courthouse to demand for Ermiş and his colleagues to be freed were attacked by police, who then took 25 lawyers into custody, along with executive members of ÇHD İzmir branch.

ÇHD İzmir Branch has shared a message about the incident of this morning

ÇHD İzmir Branch shared information on the situation from its official twitter account by stating: ‘There has been an attack on us while we were holding a press briefing for our friend Münip Ermiş. We have been taken into custody. Münip Ermiş is not alone! ÇHD has never been silenced; will never be silenced!’

ÖDP İzmir Branch has announced 25 lawyers are in custody

ÖDP İzmir branch has also made an announcement and said: ‘The police that attacked the press briefing in front of the courthouse (in İzmir) has taken into custody 25 lawyers, among whom there are also the executives of ÇHD İzmir branch.’

ÇHD’s earlier message about Münip Ermiş

ÇHD had shared a statement earlier to demand the release of their Vice-President Münip Ermiş:

“Our Association is on the side of Münip Ermiş completely and it is going to fend this attack off… In addition to being our vice-president, Münip Ermiş is also one of the most important representatives of this organization’s principles and he has taken on great responsibilities throughout many years. Münip Ermiş is a lawyer of Gezi; of the people who are fighting against HES (hydroelectric plants); of those fighting against violations of rights. The attack on our vice-president is an attack over our organization. We are going to give all efforts to repel this attack; no should have any doubts in that regard!

…AKP government and the President have been paving the ground for the civil coup by increasing the pressure over all opposition groups within the society. We know that the only factor that would stand against this plan sincerely and strongly are the progressive and patriot forces of the society. Therefore, it is obvious that there will be more similar attacks… Forces that do not shy away from raising their voices are the biggest nightmare of the ruling bodies that only care about continuation of their power.

We promise to all revolutionist, democratic, and patriot people the ÇHD will indeed continue being the nightmare of those in power, who do not hesitate to tyrannize anything for the sake of their interests…

We call on all of our members and friends to raise their voice to be solidarity with Münip Ermiş.

Münip Ermiş must be released immediately!"

Sources: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/izmir-de-avukatlara-saldiri-25-gozalti-127635.html


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