Son-in-law of Turkey's former deputy PM in custody in scope of investigations into coup plot

Son-in-law of Turkey’s former deputy PM Bülent Arınç, Ekrem Yeter, was taken into custody in scope investigations into FETÖ earlier on Monday (June 5).

Giving statements to Aysel Alp from Hürriyet newspaper about it, Arınç said: “There is an ongoing process. God willing, we are going to hear about it as shortly as possibly. We trust our son-in-law by all means. We believe that he absolutely has no ties (to coup). We excitedly wait to see him!”

Yeter was previously dismissed from his position as professor at Yıldırım Beyazıt University

Arınç has been targeted several times by ruling party AKP’s top officials as being a supporter of ‘the parallel state structure’ – which later became to be called by the government as FETÖ.

In one instance, his son-in-law Ekrem Yeter was also involved when Ankara’s Mayor Melih Gökçek called Arınç’s daughter and her husband Ekrem Yeter ‘devote parallelist’.

Yeter replied to Gökçek: “If being a ‘parallelist’ means to applaud those that provide service to the nation and the humanity as a whole, then, yes, we are paralelist to the core. But if you say being a ‘parallelist’ means to conspire against the state and the nation; chase after profit; and, to lie... then, we do not know that!”


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