Turkey’s far-right nationalist and Islamist group threatens LGBT community

The yearly held Pride Week Parade has again irked far-right and reactionary factions in Turkey.

Talking on TV on KRT channel, head of the İstanbul office of Turkey’s far-right nationalist and Islamist group called Alperen Ocakları (Alperen Hearths), Kürşat Mican, threatened people willing to march on the Pride Parade by saying: "Even if the state allows it, we are not going to. We are not going to let them march…no matter what! Wherever they decide to march, we’ll go to that particular area and close the roads. That way, they won’t be able to come there anyways. And, if we wanted, we would find 200K supporters."

Mican accused LGBT groups with ‘carrying out a local movement in neighborhoods to bring male-female relations to an end and to stop reproduction.’

“It’s a project of the capitalist, communist, and imperialist powers,” said Mican.

İstanbul’s pride march was banned last year with the reason of ‘Ramadan and security concerns’; and, participants were dispersed by police violently.

Though this year’s march is scheduled by LGBT community to be held on June 25th, there has not been any official statement given about whether it will be permitted or not.

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/alperen-ocaklari-ndan-lgbt-lere-tehdit-istesek-200-bin-kisi-165550.html

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