Turkey’s President Erdoğan targets Gezi: ‘Ask those sleazebags how many trees they actually planted’

While speaking at opening ceremony of İstanbul Cosmopolitan Municipality’s biological waste water treatment facilities and environmental investments today (November 26), Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan targeted Gezi protests of 2013 again.

Related messages of Erdoğan follow as: “A vast majority – 63% - of our nation brought us to power. As of November 19th, we left 14 years behind. While struggling against plots both from within and outside of our country, we have, at the same time, given effort to provide services. We have brought about reforms that stand in a revolutionary aspect in the fields of education, health, eneregy, agriculture, defense, and industry. We did much more than what was done throughout the history of the Republic. As we try to serve our country and nation, some try to tackle us down. The decision to shut down our party in the aftermath of the 2007 elections and all that followed after that were done with the same purpose. What was the purpose? It was to divert Turkey from its growth and its path where it provides a helping hand to the victims and to its friends. Wherever there is a needy, we are there! My brothers, Turkey has been going through a fire loop especially for the past 3 years. This struggle must be given the right name! We are now fighting in another war of independence after the Independence War (of the past). Morever, we are in this war not only in one military front but also in a political and an economical front.They tried to create a chaos at Gezi through the sentiments on environment. Ask those sleazebags how many trees they have actually planted in this country! We have planted not millions but billions of trees! In Taksim, places of 13 trees were changed. And, what did they do for that? Everything! They would do anything because this is their disposition! But we defeated that attack in a month, too. Then, a coup of police department and judiciary followed on 17-25 December: meaning, FETÖ. What did they say? They said ‘corruption’ and ‘theft.’ They attacked all the political and economic dynamics. They were the corrupted ones! And, they were the real thieves! They used to threaten businessmen...”

Further details will follow…

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/erdogan-in-hedefinde-gezi-ve-ab-vardi-137130.html

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