An open threat from two teenagers in Turkey to opponents of AKP's presidential system

A controversial constitutional amendments bill proposed by Turkey’s ruling party AKP was passed in the parliament earlier in January. The amendments package, which also suggests a shift to a presidential system in the country, was forwarded to President Erdoğan for approval yesterday and a referendum will be held on it in early April.

As both supporters and opponents of the proposal have already begun their campaigns at grassroots level, there have already been a handful of instances where ‘yes’ voters have threatened openly the opponents of the proposed constitutional changes.

After a threatening statement of a criminal leader, Sedat Peker, in support of the current government, most recently, two teenagers in Turkey’s Düzce province shared on social media a photo of theirs where they each hold a gun and wrote under it the following: ‘Just as we did on July 15th, we are going to be waiting on the streets for those who say ‘no’ to the presidential system.’

As the post spread and reactions against it grew, police searched and found the teenagers and took them into custody.

Though they were referred to court on accusations of ‘triggering hatred and enmity among members of the public’, they were released the same day.


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