Turkey’s president Erdoğan: ‘AKP is democratic, conservative, and revolutionary’

On Tuesday (May 30), Turkey’s president Erdoğan attended the ruling party AKP’s parliamentary group meeting for the first time since he resumed the chairmanship of the party after the approval of constitutional amendments in the referendum that allowed the president of the country to keep affinity with a political party.

Claiming in his speech that Turkey has progressed in fight against terrorism ‘as efficiently as never before’, Erdoğan said: “I extend my thanks, personally and on behalf of my nation, to our heroic security forces who have entered the holes of the terrorist organizations – which were not entered before – and seized weapons and equipments in record numbers. By the way, of course, I wish God’s peace upon our martyrs”.

Mentioning that he was last in that room with his fellow party members 3 years ago, Erdoğan said: “I am currently feeling the joy of being with you here again after around 34 months and exactly 1044 days… Yesterday, we also determined our new executive board. No stopping; we continue on our way”.

Admitting that AKP has ‘fallen short in achieving all of its goals’, Erdoğan also added: “AK Party is the only political party in this country that has brought democracy, republic, and prospoerity in a real sense. AK Party is democratic. For that reason, it has given priority to the preferences of the nation. AK Party is republican. For that reason, it has surrendered to the nation and not a particular person, group, or terrorist organizations. AK Party is national, and local!”

Highlighting that AKP is also a ‘conservative’ party, Erdoğan called on to revolutionary factions in the country and said: “Of course, AK Party is at the same time conservative. It has stood against the attacks on our nations’ values and embraced these values. Therefore, it must be said openly that AK Party is a revolutionary party. And, I call on those who call themselves ‘revolutionary’. How many of you took the steps that AK Party has taken? You even tried to close us down. The presence of AK Party is scaring them (revolutionaries) seriously!”

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/erdogan-akp-cumhuriyetcidir-devrimcidir-161881.html

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