Executive of Turkey’s İHH launches a fight against ‘lingerie displayed on mannequins’

In reaction to a lingerie shop displaying products on mannequins in Hendek district of Turkey’s Sakarya province, former deputy head of İHH (Humanitarian Relief Foundation, known for its role in Mavi Marmara Flotilla), Esma Negiz Aydoğan, announced from her social media account that she will be launching a protest against it.
Also claiming to be a journalist, Aydoğan said in her message that she will be applying for permission to hold her demonstration and continue it until such shops stop displaying women’s lingerie on store windows.
Aydoğan’s message as shared on her social media account: ‘You might think that this topic has been talked about too much. But I am not going to stop talking about this issue of women’s lingerie being displayed on store windows and at vending sites open to public until those shop windows become proper and until officials look into this issue. By getting the necessary permission, I will be using all my legal rights and holding a demonstration at the Hendek town center after the Ramadan and Eid. I am not going to give up on this fight even when I am left alone. As soon as preparations are completed, we will be at Hendek Square. I ask for the support of all of my considerate friends.’