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Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey

29 August 2016, Monday

BirGün – İçeriden, dışarıdan ‘Ana Muhalefete Uyarı’: Hükümete can simidi olmayın (National and international warning to the ‘Main Opposition’: Don’t be a lifesaver for the government!

AkitPKK’lılara da OHAL uygulansın (PKK should also be operated against under state of emergency)

AkşamDAEŞ’in de inine gireceğiz (We are going to go into the cave of DEASH, too)

Anayurt – Bu eğitim sistemiyle çağdaş ülke olamayız (We cannot be a modern country with this education system) [Referring to the recent statements of CHP chair Kılıçdaroğlu]

CumhuriyetCerablus kördüğümü (The deadlock of Jarabulus)

Diriliş Postası – PKK’nın da, DAEŞ’in de inine gireceğiz (We are going to go into the caves of both PKK and DAESH)

Dünya – Otelciler acil önlem bekliyor (Hotel sector is waiting for an immediate precaution)

Evrensel Suriye’de siviller mi vuruluyor? (Are civilians getting fired at in Syria?)

GüneşPYD’nin inine girdik (We have entered the cave of PYD)

HaberTürk – Hedef Menbiç! (Target is Manbij!)

Hürriyet – Hedef Menbiç! (Target is Manbij!)

Karar – Soygun kapıdan döndü (Robbery was prevented just in time) [Referring to the operations on FETÖ with regards to illegal land registries]

Korkusuz – Burası başkent! (This is the capitol!) [Referring to the recent major flooding in Ankara]

Milat – Özgürlük! (Liberation!) [Referring to operations of Turkey and FSA in Jarabulus]

Milli Gazete – Çekilmiyor, saldırıyor (They are not withdrawing, they are attacking) [Referring to PYD/YPG]

Milliyet – Alfabede harf kalmadı (There are not letters left in the alphabet) [Referring to the excessiveness of terrorist groups, whose names are abbreviated with letters]

Ortadoğu – İhanet yuvaları vuruluyor (The nests of the traitors are being hit) [Referring to the operation over Jarabulus]

Posta – Musluktan zehir aktı (It was poison that ran down the taps!) [Referring to the major water contamination in Maraş]

Sabah – PKK, PYD, YPG, DAEŞ ve FETÖ: Hepsinin arkasında aynı surat var (PKK, PYD, YPG, DAESH and FETÖ: There is the same face behind them all)

Sözcü – FETÖ gidiyor, başka cemaatler geliyor (FETÖ is going; other ‘Communities’ are coming)

Star – Hepsinin sonu yakın (End for all of them is near) [Referring to the terrorist groups]

Takvim – Erdoğan: ‘Gereğini yapacağız dedik, yaptık!’ (Erdoğan: ‘We said we were going to do what’s necessary, and, we have done it!)

Vahdet – Erdoğan: ‘Kanlarında boğulacaklar’ (Erdoğan: ‘They are going to drown in the blood they have shed’) [Referring to terror attacks]

Vatan – YPG’ye 80 atış! (Firings on YPG 80 times!)

Yeni Asyaİsrail’den cenaze zulmü (Cruelty of Israel over dead bodies) [Referring to the Gazaians]

Yeni Birlik – DAEŞ’in de inine gireceğiz (We are going to go into the cave of DAESH, too)

YeniçağTSK’dan hainlere ağır darbe: 25 ölü (Big blow on the traitors by Turkish Armed Forces: 25 dead) [Referring to operation over Jarabulus]

Yeni Mesaj Terör azdı (Terrorism has gone out of control) [Referring to PYD/YPG/PKK]

Yeni Şafak – Adım adım temizlik (Cleaning step by step) [Referring to operations on PYD]

Yenisöz – Murat Bardakçı 1 yıl öncesinden 15 Temmuzu nereden biliyordu? (How could Murat Bardakçı know of July 15 a year earlier?)

Yurt – Suriye’de ilk şehit (First martyr in our operation in Syria)