Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey

29 August 2016, Monday
BirGün – İçeriden, dışarıdan ‘Ana Muhalefete Uyarı’: Hükümete can simidi olmayın (National and international warning to the ‘Main Opposition’: Don’t be a lifesaver for the government!
Akit – PKK’lılara da OHAL uygulansın (PKK should also be operated against under state of emergency)
Akşam – DAEŞ’in de inine gireceğiz (We are going to go into the cave of DEASH, too)
Anayurt – Bu eğitim sistemiyle çağdaş ülke olamayız (We cannot be a modern country with this education system) [Referring to the recent statements of CHP chair Kılıçdaroğlu]
Cumhuriyet – Cerablus kördüğümü (The deadlock of Jarabulus)
Diriliş Postası – PKK’nın da, DAEŞ’in de inine gireceğiz (We are going to go into the caves of both PKK and DAESH)
Dünya – Otelciler acil önlem bekliyor (Hotel sector is waiting for an immediate precaution)
Evrensel – Suriye’de siviller mi vuruluyor? (Are civilians getting fired at in Syria?)
Güneş – PYD’nin inine girdik (We have entered the cave of PYD)
HaberTürk – Hedef Menbiç! (Target is Manbij!)
Hürriyet – Hedef Menbiç! (Target is Manbij!)
Karar – Soygun kapıdan döndü (Robbery was prevented just in time) [Referring to the operations on FETÖ with regards to illegal land registries]
Korkusuz – Burası başkent! (This is the capitol!) [Referring to the recent major flooding in Ankara]
Milat – Özgürlük! (Liberation!) [Referring to operations of Turkey and FSA in Jarabulus]
Milli Gazete – Çekilmiyor, saldırıyor (They are not withdrawing, they are attacking) [Referring to PYD/YPG]
Milliyet – Alfabede harf kalmadı (There are not letters left in the alphabet) [Referring to the excessiveness of terrorist groups, whose names are abbreviated with letters]
Ortadoğu – İhanet yuvaları vuruluyor (The nests of the traitors are being hit) [Referring to the operation over Jarabulus]
Posta – Musluktan zehir aktı (It was poison that ran down the taps!) [Referring to the major water contamination in Maraş]
Sabah – PKK, PYD, YPG, DAEŞ ve FETÖ: Hepsinin arkasında aynı surat var (PKK, PYD, YPG, DAESH and FETÖ: There is the same face behind them all)
Sözcü – FETÖ gidiyor, başka cemaatler geliyor (FETÖ is going; other ‘Communities’ are coming)
Star – Hepsinin sonu yakın (End for all of them is near) [Referring to the terrorist groups]
Takvim – Erdoğan: ‘Gereğini yapacağız dedik, yaptık!’ (Erdoğan: ‘We said we were going to do what’s necessary, and, we have done it!)
Vahdet – Erdoğan: ‘Kanlarında boğulacaklar’ (Erdoğan: ‘They are going to drown in the blood they have shed’) [Referring to terror attacks]
Vatan – YPG’ye 80 atış! (Firings on YPG 80 times!)
Yeni Asya – İsrail’den cenaze zulmü (Cruelty of Israel over dead bodies) [Referring to the Gazaians]
Yeni Birlik – DAEŞ’in de inine gireceğiz (We are going to go into the cave of DAESH, too)
Yeniçağ – TSK’dan hainlere ağır darbe: 25 ölü (Big blow on the traitors by Turkish Armed Forces: 25 dead) [Referring to operation over Jarabulus]
Yeni Mesaj – Terör azdı (Terrorism has gone out of control) [Referring to PYD/YPG/PKK]
Yeni Şafak – Adım adım temizlik (Cleaning step by step) [Referring to operations on PYD]
Yenisöz – Murat Bardakçı 1 yıl öncesinden 15 Temmuzu nereden biliyordu? (How could Murat Bardakçı know of July 15 a year earlier?)
Yurt – Suriye’de ilk şehit (First martyr in our operation in Syria)