Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - August 18, 2017
BirGün – İnsanlık düşmanları (Enemies of humanity) Referring to the terror attack in Barcelona
Akit – ABD Başkonsolosu yine fitne peşinde (US Consul General is again after wickedness) Referring to visits of Consul General Specht to Turkey’s southeast
Akşam – Türkiye düşmanlığı (Enmity against Turkey) Referring to Germany’s latest policies on Turkey
Aydınlık – Üç başlıkta mutabakat (The agreement’s three terms) Referring to content of the talks held during the visit of Iran’s chief of staff to Turkey
Cumhuriyet – Barselona’da terör (Terror in Barcelona)
Diriliş Postası – Hedef Erdoğan ve istikrar (Erdoğan and stability are the target) Accusing main opposition party CHP of supporting FETÖ and PKK
Evrensel – Fındık üreticisine kara haber (Bad news for the producers of hazelnut) Referring to low prices
Güneş – Siyasi ayak CHP (The political branch of FETÖ is CHP) Accusing the main opposition party of being on the side of FETÖ in coup plot
HaberTürk – Müfredatta 15 Temmuz (July 15 in the curricula) Referring to the inclusion of July 15 coup attempt as first chapters in some textbooks
Hürriyet – Yine aynı taktik (Same tactic again) Referring to recent terror attack in Barcelona
Karar – Kandilli’den kırmızı alarm (Red alert from Kandilli Observatory) Referring to recent warnings from Kandilli Observatory on a possible major earthquake in the Marmara Region
Milat – Dost musun, düşman mı? (Are you a friend or an enemy?) Referring to Merkel
Milli Gazete – Evrim gitti, gelemez! (Evolution is gone; and, it can’t come back!) Referring to exclusion of theory of evolution from school curricula
Milliyet – ‘Arkadaşını bile vur’ (‘Shoot even your friend’) Referring to statements of coup plotters written down in the indictment
Ortadoğu – Deprem yolda, tedbir rafta (Earthquake on the way; cautions on the shelf) Referring to lack of precautions on a possible major earthquake in the Marmara Region
Posta – Resmen cinayet (An outright murder) Referring to the three year old who died in suffocation in school bus after having been forgotten inside by the driver
Sabah – Kılıçdaroğlu’nun organize kumpası (Organized conspiracy of Kılıçdaroğlu) Accusing main opposition party CHP’s leader with links to Fethullah Gülen
Sözcü – Ne yaparsanız yapın, Sözcü’ye attığınız FETÖ çamuru tutmaz (Whatever you do, accusing Sözcü of FETÖ support won’t work)
Star – Çatıyı Merkel kurdu (The roof is built by Merkel) Claiming the democracy forces in Turkey and the opposition parties are united under guidance of Merkel
Türkiye – Barselona’da terör vahşeti (Terror violence in Barcelona)
Vatan – Bu kez Barselona (This time Barcelona)
Yeni Asya – Normalleşme çağrısı (Call for normalization) Referring to latest call from head of TUSİAD for state of emergency to be lifted
Yeni Şafak – Terör Barcelona’da (Terror is in Barcelona)
Yeniçağ – İran tamam dedi, sırada Rusya var (Iran said yes; Russia is next) Referring to agreements with Iran on Idlib