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Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - August 18, 2017

BirGün – İnsanlık düşmanları (Enemies of humanity) Referring to the terror attack in Barcelona

Akit ABD Başkonsolosu yine fitne peşinde (US Consul General is again after wickedness) Referring to visits of Consul General Specht to Turkey’s southeast

AkşamTürkiye düşmanlığı (Enmity against Turkey) Referring to Germany’s latest policies on Turkey

Aydınlık – Üç başlıkta mutabakat (The agreement’s three terms) Referring to content of the talks held during the visit of Iran’s chief of staff to Turkey

Cumhuriyet – Barselona’da terör (Terror in Barcelona)

Diriliş Postası – Hedef Erdoğan ve istikrar (Erdoğan and stability are the target) Accusing main opposition party CHP of supporting FETÖ and PKK

Evrensel – Fındık üreticisine kara haber (Bad news for the producers of hazelnut) Referring to low prices

Güneş – Siyasi ayak CHP (The political branch of FETÖ is CHP) Accusing the main opposition party of being on the side of FETÖ in coup plot

HaberTürk – Müfredatta 15 Temmuz (July 15 in the curricula) Referring to the inclusion of July 15 coup attempt as first chapters in some textbooks

Hürriyet – Yine aynı taktik (Same tactic again) Referring to recent terror attack in Barcelona

Karar – Kandilli’den kırmızı alarm (Red alert from Kandilli Observatory) Referring to recent warnings from Kandilli Observatory on a possible major earthquake in the Marmara Region

Milat – Dost musun, düşman mı? (Are you a friend or an enemy?) Referring to Merkel

Milli GazeteEvrim gitti, gelemez! (Evolution is gone; and, it can’t come back!) Referring to exclusion of theory of evolution from school curricula

Milliyet – ‘Arkadaşını bile vur’ (‘Shoot even your friend’) Referring to statements of coup plotters written down in the indictment

Ortadoğu Deprem yolda, tedbir rafta (Earthquake on the way; cautions on the shelf) Referring to lack of precautions on a possible major earthquake in the Marmara Region

Posta – Resmen cinayet (An outright murder) Referring to the three year old who died in suffocation in school bus after having been forgotten inside by the driver

Sabah – Kılıçdaroğlu’nun organize kumpası (Organized conspiracy of Kılıçdaroğlu) Accusing main opposition party CHP’s leader with links to Fethullah Gülen

Sözcü – Ne yaparsanız yapın, Sözcü’ye attığınız FETÖ çamuru tutmaz (Whatever you do, accusing Sözcü of FETÖ support won’t work)

Star – Çatıyı Merkel kurdu (The roof is built by Merkel) Claiming the democracy forces in Turkey and the opposition parties are united under guidance of Merkel

Türkiye – Barselona’da terör vahşeti (Terror violence in Barcelona)

Vatan – Bu kez Barselona (This time Barcelona)

Yeni Asya – Normalleşme çağrısı (Call for normalization) Referring to latest call from head of TUSİAD for state of emergency to be lifted

Yeni Şafak – Terör Barcelona’da (Terror is in Barcelona)

Yeniçağ – İran tamam dedi, sırada Rusya var (Iran said yes; Russia is next) Referring to agreements with Iran on Idlib