Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - December 12, 2016
12 December 2016, Monday
BirGün – Halkı korkuyla teslim alan, ülkeyi uçuruma iten bu şiddet iklimi son bulsun! (This climate of violence overwhelming people with fear and pushing the country to the edge of a cliff must come to an end!)
Akit – Saldırıya karşı tek yürek (One heart against the attacks)
Akşam – Siz kimlerin köpeğisiniz? (Whose dogs are you?) Reaction of a chief police officer at the funerals of police officers, who lost their lives at the deadly bomb attack of Saturday night, December 10th.
Anayurt – Akıttığınız kanda boğulun! (May you get drown in the blood you’ve shed!)
Aydınlık – Bayraklı yanıt (Answer to the terrorist with flags) Referring to people across the country hanging Turkish flags in response to attacks in İstanbul
Cumhuriyet – İnsanlık suçu! (Crime against humanity!)
Diriliş Postası – Kahpelere teslim olmayacağız (We are not going to surrender to villains)
Dünya – Küresel ekonomiye siyaset yön verecek (Global economy will be shaped by politics – in 2017)
Evrensel – Yeter artık! (Enough already – to violence of all sorts)
Reaction of a chief police officer at the funerals of police officers, who lost their lives at the deadly bomb attack of Saturday night, December 10th.
Güneş – Başaramayacaksınız (You – terrorists – are not going to be able to succeed)
HaberTürk – Hainler bir hafta pusuya yatmış (The villains had ambushed for a week before the attack) Referring to the perpetrators of the attacks in İstanbul.
Hürriyet – Yastayız (We are in mourning)
Hürses – Kur savaşlarının galibi Türk milleti olacak (The victorious side of the currency wars will be Turks)
İstiklal – Yastayız (We are in mourning)
Karar – Boyun eğmeyiz! (We do not give in!)
Korkusuz – Bu eller ayrılmaz, bu vatan bölünmez (These hands won’t break apart; this country won’t be partitioned)
Milat – Türkiye tek yumruk (Turkey becomes like a one big fist)
Milli Gazete – Dilimizde dua, gözümüzde yaş (We’ve got prayers in our words; tears in our eyes)
Milliyet – Türkiye tek ses, tek yürek oldu (Turkey has united as one voice, one heart)
Ortadoğu – Yine aynı kahpelik (The same villainy)
Posta – Söz veriyoruz çocuklar: yıktırmayız, böldürmeyiz! (We promise you children: we are not going to let this country to be collapsed and partitioned!)
Sabah – Teröristler daha ağır bedeller ödeyecek (Terrorists will pay heavier prices)
Sözcü – Siz kimin köpeğisiniz? (Whose dog are you?) Reaction of a chief police officer at the funerals of police officers, who lost their lives at the deadly bomb attack of Saturday night, December 10th.
Star – Bu ülkeyi kahpelere bırakmayız (We won’t leave this country to the hands of fickles!)
Takvim – Bu yumruk tepenize inecek (This fist – of the people – will hit you on the head)
Türkiye – Acı her yerde (Pain is spread all across Turkey)
Vatan – Polisimizin yanındayız (We are on the side of our police)
Yeni Asya – Teröre karşı bir ve beraber olalım (Let’s get together and united against terror)
Yeni Birlik – AB terör diyemedi (EU could not even say ‘terror’)
Yeniçağ – Acımız büyük (Our grief is big)
Yeni Mesaj – Acımız çok derin (Our grief is too deep)
Yeni Şafak – Türkiye tek yürek (Turkey’s united as one heart)
Yenisöz – Son canımızı alsanız bile bizi teslim alamazsınız (Even if you take our last breath; you cannot get us surrendered)
Yurt – Ayrışmayacağız (We are not going to get partitioned)