Front-page headlines from newspapers in Turkey - January 6, 2017
6 January 2017, Friday
BirGün – Şiddet İzmir’e uzandı (Violence spread to İzmir)
Akit – Kamu yazılımları hala FETÖ’nün elinde (Softwares in public institutions are still under FETÖ’s control)
Akşam – FETÖ D’ye ikinci dalga (Second wave of FETÖ operations against Doğan holding)
Anayurt – CHP mücadelenin dozunu arttırıyor (CHP – main opposition party – increases the doze of fight against proposed constitutional change)
Aydınlık – Milli seferberlik hükümeti (National mobility government in Turkey)
Cumhuriyet – Bu kez İzmir vuruldu (This time, İzmir gets hit)
Diriliş Postası – İran’lı mollalardan PKK’ya siyasi plan (Political plan of Iranian mullahs for PKK)
Dünya – Turquality’de ülke bazlı destek masada (Country based support is considered in Turquality)
Evrensel – Bizim içimiz yanıyor, patrona ceza verilmiyor (Our hearts are torn out but the bosses do not get punished) Referring to workers losing their lives at work places
Güneş – Yaşam tarzı değil, vardiya tarzı (Not a lifestyle, work style) Referring to terror attacks in Turkey
HaberTürk – Kahramanımız (Our hero) Referring to police officer who lost his life in bomb attack in İzmir
Hürriyet – Teröristin sonu (End of the terrorist) Referring to the killed attacker in İzmir
Karar – Amansız sürek avı (Nonstop hunt –for the Reina attacker)
Korkusuz – İzmir’i de patlattılar (İzmir is bombed, too)
Milat – Kalleşler (Treachers) Referring to terror attacks
Milli Gazete – Sevr’in hamisi İncirlik (Patron of the Sevr treaty is İncirlik) Referring to USA base in İncirlik, Adana
Milliyet – Hainler İzmir’de (The viles are in İzmir)
Ortadoğu – İzmir’de hain saldırı (Vile attack in İzmir)
Posta – Kahraman (Hero) Referring to police officer who lost his life in bomb attack in İzmir
Sabah – Kahraman polis katliamı önledi (The heroic police officer prevented a massacre) Referring to police officer who lost his life in bomb attack in İzmir
Sözcü – Kahraman polis katliamı önledi (The heroic police officer prevented a massacre) Referring to police officer who lost his life in bomb attack in İzmir
Star – Reina’da 5 kuşku (5 questions about Reina nightclub attack)
Takvim – Kahraman (Hero) Referring to police officer who lost his life in bomb attack in İzmir
Türkiye – Erdoğan: Yüreği olan karşımıza çıksın (President Erdoğan: ‘If they – terrorists – have courage, they would come forth)
Vatan – Sana minnettarız (We are thankful for you) Referring to police officer who lost his life in bomb attack in İzmir
Yeni Asya – Suriye ve Irak’la sil baştan (A new start – of Turkey – with Syria and Iraq)
Yeni Birlik – Katil Doğanlar (Murderer Doğans) Referring the FETÖ operation against Doğan holding
Yeniçağ – Alçaklar Kaçamadı (The viles could not run away) Refferring to 2 of the 3 attackers in İzmir
Yeni Mesaj – Piyonlar İzmir’de (Pawns are in İzmir)
Yeni Şafak – Doğan’a operasyon (Operation against Doğan holding)
Yenisöz – Batı Terör Örgütü çocuklara dadandı (Western Terrorist Organization has begun to pick on children) Referring to Western media’s publications on sexual orientation where children are the main topic
Yurt – Muhtar paketi (Gift bags for village headmen – from İstanbul Cosmopolitan Municipality)