Turkey's religion affairs office to provide support to refugees, inmates, addicts, and more

The Presidency of Religion Affairs (Diyanet) of Turkey has taken a step to expand its role and influence on a variety of groups in the society.

According to the revisions announced on July 31st, Diyanet will taken on the responsibility to provide ‘religious and moral support’ to immigrants; refugees; drug addicts; inmates; seasonal workers; disabled people; children; and, more.

Working in partnership with relevant civil society groups during natural disasters, social unrest, and other incidents requiring urgent intervention, the institution will also stand as a source of contact for people to seek ‘moral aid’.

A branch of the institution will also give efforts to ensure refugees’ – especially those from Syria who are believers of sects different than that of Sunni Islam - ‘religious integration’.

Working together with other state institutions to ‘fight against terror’ will also be one of the newly defined roles of Diyanet.

Source: https://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/diyanet-e-yeni-birimler-icin-yonerge-174676.html