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Frontpage Headlines from Newspapers in Turkey

21 July 2016, Thursday

BirGün – Hukuktan asla vazgeçilmemeli (Rule of rule must never be abandoned)

Akit – Üç ay OHAL (3 months long state of emergency)

Akşam – Demokrasi için OHAL (State of emergency for democracy)

Anayurt – Bugün kenetlenme zamanıdır (Today is the time to bond)

Cumhuriyet OHAL ilan edildi (State of emergency is declared)

Diriliş Postası Sivil irade, sivil idareye sahip çıktı (Civil volition backs civil management)

Dünya – Dolar yükselişte, piyasalar yön arıyor (Dollar in rising; markets look out for a way)

Evrensel Demokrasiye ve Hukuka çağrı (Call for Democracy and Rule of Law)

Güneş – Lağım patladı (Sewage broke) [Referring to the Gülenist movement members]

HaberTürkDarbeci teröriste karşı OHAL (State of emergency against the coup attempting terrorist)

Hürriyet – Proje yaver (The project adjutant)

Karar – Üç ay OHAL (State of emergency for three months)

Korkusuz – FETÖ MGK’da (FETÖ is the subject of National Security Council)


Milat – ABD’ye danıştılar (They – FETÖ – consulted with USA)

Milli GazeteMilletimiz destan yazdı (Our nation made history)

Milliyet – Eniştemden öğrendim (Erdoğan: I found out –about the attempt- from my brother in-law)

Ortadoğu – İtiraf etti (Chief of Staff’s adjutant confesses – the attempt)


Özgür Gündem – İmralı’ya acil heyet (Delegation needed for İmralı immediately) [Referring to contacts with Öcalan]

PostaOlağanüstü hal (State of emergency)

Sabah Demosrasiden asla taviz yok (No compromising over democracy)

Sözcü – FETÖ’cü yaverin korkunç itirafları (Awful confessions for FETÖ member adjutant)

Star – Darbeciye OHAL, vatandaşa huzur (State of emergency for the attempter; piece of mind for the people)

Takvim Darbeyi eniştem haber verdi (My brother-in-law let me know about the coup)

TarafDarbenin işareti UYAP’tan verildi (National Judiciary Informatic Systems had given signals about the coup attempt)

Vahdet Yaverden dehşet darbe itirafları (Terrifying confessions from the adjutant about the coup attempt)

Vatanİhanetin itirafı (Confessions on treason)

Yeni Asya – Yargıya tarihi uyarılar (Historical warnings to the judiciary)

Yeni Birlik – Bir üst akıl var (There is a superior mind)

Yeniçağ – Darbeci yaver: Cemaatçiyim (Coup attempter: ‘I’m a member of the Cemaat –the organization)

Yeni Mesaj – Hedef tam temizlik (Aim is complete cleaning out)

Yeni Şafak 3 ay OHAL (3 months of state of emergency)

Yenisöz – 49 bin kişilik infaz listesini yayınlayın! (Release the list of executions of 49,000 people)

Yurt – CHP demokrasi nöbetinde (CHP on duty for democracy)

Zaman – FETÖ’cü hainler kamudan temizlenece (Gülenist traitors will be wiped-out of public offices)