Frontpage Headlines from Newspapers in Turkey
21 July 2016, Thursday
BirGün – Hukuktan asla vazgeçilmemeli (Rule of rule must never be abandoned)
Akit – Üç ay OHAL (3 months long state of emergency)
Akşam – Demokrasi için OHAL (State of emergency for democracy)
Anayurt – Bugün kenetlenme zamanıdır (Today is the time to bond)
Cumhuriyet – OHAL ilan edildi (State of emergency is declared)
Diriliş Postası – Sivil irade, sivil idareye sahip çıktı (Civil volition backs civil management)
Dünya – Dolar yükselişte, piyasalar yön arıyor (Dollar in rising; markets look out for a way)
Evrensel – Demokrasiye ve Hukuka çağrı (Call for Democracy and Rule of Law)
Güneş – Lağım patladı (Sewage broke) [Referring to the Gülenist movement members]
HaberTürk – Darbeci teröriste karşı OHAL (State of emergency against the coup attempting terrorist)
Hürriyet – Proje yaver (The project adjutant)
Karar – Üç ay OHAL (State of emergency for three months)
Korkusuz – FETÖ MGK’da (FETÖ is the subject of National Security Council)
Milat – ABD’ye danıştılar (They – FETÖ – consulted with USA)
Milli Gazete – Milletimiz destan yazdı (Our nation made history)
Milliyet – Eniştemden öğrendim (Erdoğan: I found out –about the attempt- from my brother in-law)
Ortadoğu – İtiraf etti (Chief of Staff’s adjutant confesses – the attempt)
Özgür Gündem – İmralı’ya acil heyet (Delegation needed for İmralı immediately) [Referring to contacts with Öcalan]
Posta – Olağanüstü hal (State of emergency)
Sabah – Demosrasiden asla taviz yok (No compromising over democracy)
Sözcü – FETÖ’cü yaverin korkunç itirafları (Awful confessions for FETÖ member adjutant)
Star – Darbeciye OHAL, vatandaşa huzur (State of emergency for the attempter; piece of mind for the people)
Takvim – Darbeyi eniştem haber verdi (My brother-in-law let me know about the coup)
Taraf – Darbenin işareti UYAP’tan verildi (National Judiciary Informatic Systems had given signals about the coup attempt)
Vahdet – Yaverden dehşet darbe itirafları (Terrifying confessions from the adjutant about the coup attempt)
Vatan – İhanetin itirafı (Confessions on treason)
Yeni Asya – Yargıya tarihi uyarılar (Historical warnings to the judiciary)
Yeni Birlik – Bir üst akıl var (There is a superior mind)
Yeniçağ – Darbeci yaver: Cemaatçiyim (Coup attempter: ‘I’m a member of the Cemaat –the organization)
Yeni Mesaj – Hedef tam temizlik (Aim is complete cleaning out)
Yeni Şafak – 3 ay OHAL (3 months of state of emergency)
Yenisöz – 49 bin kişilik infaz listesini yayınlayın! (Release the list of executions of 49,000 people)
Yurt – CHP demokrasi nöbetinde (CHP on duty for democracy)
Zaman – FETÖ’cü hainler kamudan temizlenece (Gülenist traitors will be wiped-out of public offices)